Page 103 of Amnesty
“Robbie’s been brought into the hospital,” I said gently, not wanting to upset her. “I need to get down there.”
“I’m coming, too.” She scrambled out of bed, nearly falling over on her ass.
I caught her, pulling her up. “You don’t have to.”
She made a rude sound, pushing at my chest. “He’s my friend, too!”
Pride swelled within me. “Get dressed.”
We rushed out the door, ran through the yard and around the house, and jumped into the truck.
On the way there, Amnesia turned to me. “Did she say what was wrong with him? Is he sick?”
I grabbed her hand, wishing I had something not quite as heinous to impart. “No, baby,” I said and swerved around a corner. “Robbie isn’t sick.”
“Then what!” she demanded.
“Mary Beth said someone tried to kill him.”
Am gasped, flattening against the back of the seat.
We went the rest of the way in silence, then ran hand in hand into the ER entrance.
“Robbie,” I said, slapping my hand down on the desk.
“Are you family?” asked the nurse who’d known me since I was a kid.
I felt my lips curl up. “You know damn well who I am to him!”
“Eddie,” Mary Beth called out, appearing around the corner.
We left the idiot nurse in our dust as we rushed down the hall. She tried to call out we couldn’t go down there, but I gave her the finger.
She was totally going to tell my mother.
Oh well.
“Mary, what’s going on?” I demanded.
“Is Robbie okay?” Amnesia worried.
Mary gestured for us to go back around the corner. We stepped into the hall from where she materialized.
“He was stabbed. Twice. They’re prepping him for surgery now.”
“Surgery!” Am gasped.
I cursed low. “What the fuck happened?”
“We aren’t sure yet. He managed to call 9-1-1, but when they arrived at his place, he was unconscious. He’s been in and out since. They haven’t been able to get any information from him.”
“Can we see him?” I asked.
“Surgery.” She reminded me and shook her head.
“Is he going to be okay?” Amnesia asked.
Mary Beth hesitated, and that’s when I knew it was really bad.