Page 62 of Amnesty
Regret was the sharpest sword because I hadn’t left the hospital right away. I’d waited until Maggie was there. Until the doctor had seen Sadie and she seemed to be resting comfortably.
I should have come sooner. Am had been in this house alone, thinking I was going to abandon her. Probably thinking everyone was.
I wouldn’t do that.
I was lying here staring at the ceiling, my mind so wound up I genuinely thought it might never shut off. I could barely wrap my head around any of this. I didn’t know what to do. What the right thing was. No one could tell me either because this was a rare situation. I was afraid I’d screw everything the fuck up. That mistakes I might make would damage two women who were already damaged beyond repair.
Beside me, Amnesia shifted slightly, whimpering softly in her sleep.
“I got you,” I whispered, tugging her even closer.
Her arm, which was already draped over my waist, hugged tighter. Her cheek settled firmly against my chest.
Her hair was still damp from the shower, a shower I would never forget. That had been some hot, fucking epic sex.
If I did say so myself.
The chemistry between us was undeniable. The way I felt about her was seriously unmatched.
That was an answer all in itself. My love for her outweighed everything else. Therefore, my main priority was defined.
What about Sadie?a part of me whispered. My stare returned to the ceiling. God, this was fucking complicated.
A low, tentative knock disrupted the quiet. Lifting my head, I glanced over to the closed bedroom door. Another subtle knock.
“Yeah?” I whisper-yelled, cradling Am’s head in my arm and covering her ear with my palm.
“It’s Maggie,” she replied.
Carefully, I slid out from beneath Amnesia and the blankets and quickly pulled on a pair of gray sweats I always kept here—you know, in case I decided to shower fully clothed.
I didn’t bother with a shirt. It was late and Maggie knew I was in bed with Am. She wasn’t dumb.
Before opening the door, I glanced back at my girl. She looked small in the bed, her body still turned to where I’d been lying. Sometimes I ached just looking at her.
The door was soundless when I pulled it open partway and stepped into the opening. “Is everything okay?” I murmured.
Maggie was standing there looking as tired as the rest of us. Her hair was disheveled, and she wore a pair of dark pants with a long sweater overtop.
“I wouldn’t say everything was okay,” she replied, “but it’s as good as can be expected.”
“You just came from the hospital?” I asked, keeping my voice low.
She nodded. “How’s Amnesia? This has to have shaken her.”
I looked back at her before answering. “Yeah.” I sighed. “It’s been a lot. She’s finally sleeping.”
Maggie wrung her hands, shifting from foot to foot. “What’s wrong, Maggie?” I felt my gaze sharpen. “Did something happen at the hospital? Is Sadie okay?”
“Nothing like that.” She assured me. “But…” Her eyes went to the crack in the door as if she were trying to see Amnesia.
“But?” I cajoled.
“She’s asking for you. She’s been agitated since you left.”
Damn.“I thought they gave her something?”