Page 67 of Amnesty
I found Amnesia instead.
“I was too busy helping Dad with the store.”
“But you’re with Lily now,” she said.
“She goes by Amnesia.”
“You thought she was me, didn’t you?”
I swallowed. “Um, yeah. At first.”
She nodded slowly, trying to work it out in her mind. “Well, now you know she isn’t.”
“Do you know who she is?” I had to ask.
“I told you. She’s Lily.”
“How do you know her? Where did she come from?”
“I’m tired,” she replied.
Of course she was. I was a damn insensitive moron for throwing out so many questions. Especially after I just told her about her parents.
“It’s okay. You’ve been through a lot. Get some sleep, and I’ll come back in the morning.”
“No,” she said, catching my wrist before I stood from the bed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Stay with me, please.”
I half smiled. “Still scared of the rain?”
“He’s going to come for me,” she intoned. “He’s going to want me back. Just like he wants her back.”
“Her?” I said, alarmed. Did she mean Amnesia? Or the widow? Did she even know the widow? “Her who?”
“Please stay,” she whispered. “Just hold me.”
She pressed against me, and I gave in instantly, lying back against the sheets. Sadie slid as close as she could, laying her head on my chest. I felt awkward and wrong for being here with her like this.
“You make me feel safe,” she whispered, tucking her hand beneath her chin. “Safer than I’ve felt in a long, long time.”
My hand hovered above her for long minutes. Eventually, her words and my guilt won out, and I smoothed my hand over her hair. “It’s okay, Sadie. You’re safe.”
“Please don’t go,” she whispered.
“I won’t.” I promised.
She drifted off to sleep, but for me, rest was much harder to find. I lay there and wondered whohewas and what kind of lengths this animal would go to in order to get back what he thought of as his.
I wasn’t prepared. Not for the sight that greeted me when I stepped into Sadie’s hospital room.
The box of muffins I held wobbled, as though suddenly they were fifty pounds too heavy. On top, the beverage holder began to slide, and visions of coffee and hot chocolate splashing all over the floor and walls flashed in my mind.
Moving fast, I caught the drinks, pushed them back on top of the box, and steadied both with two hands. With breakfast firmly in hand, all my focus went back to the bed where Sadie was sleeping.
With Eddie.