Page 70 of Amnesty
Obviously, I listened.
“I’m in love with you.You.No one else. I thought you understood that after last night.”
“I do.” I promised. “I was just caught off guard this morning.”
“I get it.” He nodded. “If I saw something like that, I probably would have given the guy a bloody nose.”
I wrinkled up my face. “Probably?” I mean, we all saw what he did when I got shot with a paintball, during a game.
His head tipped back when he laughed. “Definitely.” Taking my hand, linking our fingers together, his face turned serious. “I can’t promise you won’t ever see Sadie in my arms again. She was my best friend. She needs someone to be there for her…”
I put my fingers against his lips. “I know that. I completely understand.”
He nipped at my fingertips, and I yanked them away.
“No, you don’t. What I’m trying to say is Sadie is my friend, and I feel responsible for what happened to her. You know I do.” I nodded, and he went on. “But I’m in love with you, Am. Not her. There are parts of me, so many, that will only ever belong to you. I might hold her when she cries, but you’re the only one I will climb into a shower for, fully dressed. The only girl I would lose an arm over trying to get into your elevator. Yours are the only lips I want to kiss. The only one I reach for when I wake up in the morning. Your body is the only one mine craves.” His head rested beside my ear, our fingers still entwined. “I love you,” he whispered. “Only you.”
That little piece of me singing a joyous song?
It turned into a full-on choral performance.
“I wish I could say I didn’t need to hear that, but I did.”
He grinned. “I saw you scurrying from the room like we were in some bad soap opera. I was afraid you were going to be like one of those overdramatic characters who jumps in her car, drives erratically, and hits a tree because her heart is eternally shattered.”
I blinked. “What?”
Oh my Lord, his grin unraveled me. Both dimples appeared, white teeth flashing. “Honey, if you think reality TV is bad, you should try some soap operas.”
Curious, I asked, “They’re on TV, too?”
Chuckling, Eddie grabbed me and pulled me in. I forgot all about whatever he was talking about. My belly overturned, landing somewhere near my feet, when his body folded around mine.
It was the kind of hug that consumed me. His large, tall frame hunched in, closed around me, and I was entirely surrounded. The scent of his skin, the warmth of his clothes, the sound of his heart beating steadily. I hugged back, holding him tight. My eyes slid closed, and all the insecurity I felt completely melted away.
“You brought us breakfast?” He pulled away but kept our hands linked.
I nodded. “I remember how grateful I was when you brought me food when I was here.”
He kissed my temple. “You’re a good person, Amnesia.”
“I was hoping I could talk to Sadie,” I blurted out, as if him calling me good was too much for my conscience to handle. I had so many questions.
“Of course you do,” he murmured. “So do I.”
“How is she?” I asked. “Does she seem… capable of answering? Does she seem…?” I faltered.
“Sane enough to believe?” He finished.
I nodded, feeling guilty.
Eddie reached behind him, hitting the emergency stop button again. The elevator groaned and started moving instantly.
“For the most part,” he answered.
I tilted my head, silently asking him to elaborate.
The elevator stopped and the doors opened.