Page 72 of Amnesty
Talk about a double-edged sword.
“She knows you.”
Her eyes rounded, and suddenly, I had a craving for milk chocolate. “How do you know?”
“She told me she did. On the island.”
Am gasped before I could even say more. “You didn’t say anything to me!” I watched as she crossed her arms over her chest and glared.
“Don’t look at me like that, woman. I don’t like it.” I reached out and tugged her arms, trying to rid her of that defiant pose.
“Well, I don’t like you not telling me things.”
“If you would let me finish,” I drawled and took her hand. “She told me she knew you, but in the rush to get off the island, I didn’t think it was a good time. And last night…” I cleared my throat. “You didn’t need information last night, baby. You just needed me to be there.”
Her eyes softened. “Just because you’re right doesn’t mean I forgive you.”
“Aww, don’t be like that, Am. I’m telling you now.”
She rolled her eyes. I thought it was kinda cute.
“Tell me.”
“She says your name is Lily.”
“Lily,” she echoed. I watched thoughts play over her features. I watched her try and recognize the name. She tried so hard my heart pinched when she looked up at me and frowned. “It means nothing to me.”
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not,” she insisted.
“Hey.” I cupped the back of her head and pulled her in. She resisted. I released her and bent so we were eye to eye. “Give. It. Time.” I urged. “And who knows? Maybe Sadie is mistaken. That’s all she told me about you. Maybe she was confused.”
“That’s all she said?” she asked, crestfallen.
“Well, she did tell me you two were sisters.” Amnesia gasped, and I held up my hand. “But Sadie is an only child, so that’s not true.”
She slumped forward. I wrapped an arm around her. “If you aren’t up for this, it can wait.”
“No. I’m ready,” she asserted, left my hold, and went through the door ahead of me.
Sadie glanced up the second we walked in. Her eyes went first to Am, then moved to me. She smiled. “Eddie, I wondered where you went.”
“Just stepped out to talk to Amnesia. Didn’t want to wake you.”
She held out her hand to me, wiggling her fingers. Suppressing my inward cringe, I went to her. But instead of taking her hand as she wanted, I picked up the drink tray Am brought. “Look, Amnesia brought us some breakfast.”
“It smells amazing!” she said and smiled at Am. “Thank you.”
Amnesia came forward. “I wasn’t sure if you preferred coffee or hot chocolate,” she said. “But I brought both,”
Sadie glanced at me, and we both smiled. “Coffee,” we said at the same time.
“There’s cream and sugar in the empty cup holder, there,” Amnesia said, pointing.
“Thanks, baby,” I said, handing Sadie a cup of coffee.
I felt her eyes when she took the drink, but when I lifted mine, she just smiled. I grabbed the cream and sugar and plopped it in her lap. “You used to use this,” I said.