Page 83 of Amnesty
“I understand if you’d like me to move out. You’ve been very generous taking me in, someone you didn’t even know.” I murmured to add, “And still don’t really.”
Maggie gasped. “Amnesia!”
“I don’t want you to feel bad, like you have to let me stay. I know you felt responsible for me because of Ann… and since I’m not Ann’s daughter—”
“Stop right there,” she said firmly. “While I appreciate your consideration of how I feel, I must say it’s stupid.”
My eyes shot up, I felt them widen into saucers. “Did you just call me stupid?”
Maggie sniffed. “Of course not. But the notion that I don’t want you here because you aren’t Ann’s daughter, well, that’s just cockamamie.”
I assumed cockamamie was another word for stupid.
I started to giggle.
Maggie tried to keep a straight face, but then it dissolved as well, and we sat there snickering over our eggs.
When we were done, Maggie cleared her throat and looked at me with serious eyes. “It’s true part of the reason I invited you here was because you might be Ann’s daughter, but that wasn’t the only reason. You needed someone. We all need someone sometimes. But now that we know, I don’t want you to go.”
“You don’t?” I asked, hopeful.
“Of course not.” She leaned across the table. “Can I tell you a secret?”
I nodded.
“The more time I spent with you, the more I secretly hoped you weren’t Ann’s daughter.”
That surprised me. “But why?”
“It made me feel guilty for wishing you were mine instead.”
I started to cry. Can you blame me?
“Oh, honey.” Maggie came around the table and wrapped her arms around me. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Y-you didn’t,” I wailed. “I’m crying because I’m happy.”
“Well, thank heavens for that.”
I laughed breathlessly. “You really mean that?”
“I really do. Having you here has filled up my life in ways I didn’t know it was empty. I couldn’t imagine watching bad TV with anyone else.”
I smiled, watery.
“And teaching all my family recipes to you. I thought they would die with me.”
“Don’t say that,” I swore fiercely.
Maggie patted my shoulder and sat back. “I know Eddie has been after you to move in with him and it’s only a matter of time, but until then, you’re welcome here. Even after. I want you to think of this place as your home, too. And I hope even after Eddie sweeps you away, you and I will continue with our relationship.”
More tears streamed down my cheeks and I dashed them away. My heart was so full my chest felt it might burst. “I would very much love that.”
Tears filled her eyes, and she hugged me again. “I’m so glad.”
“I love you,” I whispered as we hugged. “Thank you for being here for me.”
“I love you, too, honey,” Maggie replied.