Page 129 of Wedlocked
“I’m getting married. Right now. Everyone’s invited.”
Coach blinked. “Come again?”
How many times did a bro have to say it? Annoyed and impatient, I marched down the hall to where Coach was standing there stupefied and snatched the whistle lying against his chest. I just about had it to my mouth when it was snatched out of my fingers.
“You put your mouth on Em’s whistle, and the only place you’ll be going is the ER,” Bodhi intoned.
I didn’t have time for that. I was getting married.
“You mind then?” I asked, gesturing to it.
“Sure, bro,” Bodhi said and blasted a long serenade.
I’d call it my wedding announcement.
When he was done, he glanced at me, and I nodded. “You better go again.”
Bodhi blasted it again.
“For shit’s sake, it’s the middle of the night.” Coach snatched it from Bodhi’s hand.
“Like that ever stops you,” Bodhi sassed.
“Brat,” Coach muttered, wrapping his hand around the whistle.
Doors started opening along the hall, and Ryan’s dark head appeared first. “What’s going on?” he asked.
Madison appeared next. “Is there an emergency?”
Rush flung open his door and stepped out in nothing but boxers. “This better be good.”
“Do you ever wear clothes?” Coach bitched.
“Matthew and I are getting married,” I announced. “Meet us in our bedroom.” I glanced back at Rush. “Wear pajamas.”
Everyone disappeared back into their rooms. Did that mean they were coming?
“It’s not a joke!” I yelled.
“Arsen,” Dad called, and I went back to their door. Mom switched on a small lamp, illuminating the mussed blankets on the bed and the shell-shocked looks on their faces.
“Look, I know this is a surprise.” I began. “Not that it should be. You should know by now that I’m going to marry Matthew.”
“Of course you are, honey.” Mom agreed readily. “We never expected less.”
“But why now?” Dad pressed. “In the middle of the night?”
“Why not?” I countered.
He gave me that look. Thedon’t bullshit a bullshitterlook.
Are you even a politician if you don’t bullshit people?