Page 134 of Wedlocked
In just a few minutes, I wouldn’t be Matthew Miller Prism anymore. I never would be again.
I’d be Matthew Miller Andrews.
*insert heart emoji here* Make sure it’s the red one.
Red is the color of love, after all.
“Are we ready to begin?” Bennett asked.
Off to the side, Gram sniffled, and I looked over to see her dabbing her eyes with the thick fur trim on the sleeves of the velvet robe belted at her waist. Her pajamas were satin too, and her slippers had the same fur trim as her robe.
Christina appeared, a tissue box in her hand, and held it out. Gram took one, offering her a watery smile.
“Watch out. Coming through!” Jamie called as he and Ryan carried an upholstered wingback into the bedroom.
“What the hell are you wearing, Owens?” Coach wanted to know as the guys set the chair off to the side.
Jamie looked down at himself. “You mean you don’t know? Isn’t this from like your era?”
Coach’s face darkened. “Frosty the Snowmancame out in nineteen sixty-nine. I ain’tthatold.”
“So you do know it,” Jamie surmised.
Coach muttered under his breath, and Bodhi snickered. “Why are you wearingFrosty the Snowmanpajamas to a wedding?”
“Arsen said to wear PJs. These are my PJs. Maddie got them for me. Christmas is in a couple weeks.” Jamie defended himself.
“Let’s just be thankful it’s not a onesie,” Max muttered.
Madison giggled. Her pajamas looked like Jamie’s but had Rudolph and the Bumble on them.
Jamie glanced at me. “Frosty can come to your wedding, right, bro? You want me to change?”
“I like them,” I mused, looking at his broad-shouldered, six-three frame wrapped in light-blue flannel pajamas with Frosty all over them. It even had his corn cob pipe. “I might get Arsen a pair.”
Arsen made a choked sound. I glanced at him and smiled. He winked.
“Y’all gonna be one of those couples that send Christmas cards with you wearing matching PJs, P?” Kruger mused. “That’s wholesome.”
“You can’t call him P after tonight.” Arsen reminded him.
That seemed kinda like a big adjustment. I mean, almost everyone called me by my last name. But for once, it was a change I was excited about.
“So we good?” Jamie asked, gesturing to his pajamas.
I nodded.
“We’ll be right back,” Jamie said, gesturing for Ryan.
The pair got another wingback, setting it right beside the other they’d hauled in.
“Ma’ams.” Ryan gestured to Gram and Christina and then to the chairs. “Please have a seat.”
“Well, aren’t you two just charismatic?” Gram mused.
“Shall we?” Bennett said when the ladies were sitting.
“Wait!” Rory called and raced from the room. Seconds later, the string lights on the back deck lit up, illuminating the view from our window. It sort of looked like gazing into a snow globe, the golden glow only lighting up a small area while beyondremained dark with the night. Snow fell at a moderate pace, flurrying sideways and sticking to the deck railing and every surface outside.