Page 152 of Wedlocked
Kruger: Did no one see what I said? Malibu Barbie is handing out lingerie to women! MY woman.
Bodhi: Didn’t you enjoy it? *smirk emoji*
Kruger: That’s not the point.
Bodhi: You’re welcome.
Kruger: You want me to thank you?
Coach: Drop it, Kruger, before I fly over there and blow my whistle.
Kruger: I believe you’d do it.
Win: About that, shouldn’t you be lying on a beach?
Kruger: *sent pic of him and Jess on the beach*
Rory: It’s gorgeous!
Landry: Looks like the perfect honeymoon!
Jess: You should come here on your honeymoon!
Rush: Like I’d copy Kruger.
Kruger: As if you could.
Arsen: I prefer being snowed in.
Andrews: *blushing face emoji*
Max left the chat.
Wes added Max to the chat.
Wes: What was that for, Maxi?
Max: Newlyweds. *barf emoji*
Win: Is that your way of telling me you won’t be making an honest man out of my brother?
Ryan: *eyes emoji*
Jamie: *monkey covering mouth emoji*
Max: I tattooed my name on his chest. Of course I’m going to marry him.
Lars: When?
Max: You’re getting a little cheeky, blondie.
Win: I told you not to call him that.
Max: When I decide to get married, the first person to know about it will be Wes. Until then, back off.
Max: You know I love you, right, Nemo?
Wes: Yes, Maxi, I know.