Page 7 of Wedlocked
“You’ll always be my favorite,” I confirmed.
The booth was full with Ryan, Rory, Jamie, and Madison on the left side. Across from them on the right, Arsen was sitting with Matty halfway in his lap. The rest of the bench seat wasempty for me and Ben, and the three chairs alongside us were empty too.
The other side of the table was full with Rush, Landry, Bodhi, and Emmett all lined up beside Jamie and Madison.
“Say goodbye to hell week and hello to waffles,” Jamie said as we slid into the booth.
“Seriously, I’m exhausted.” Madison groaned, dropping her chin into her hand. “I’m so ready for winter break.”
The bell on the door clanged as the blustery wind outside caught it and sent it flying wide. Wes rushed through, catching it just before it could slam into the wall with a crash. He was harried with red cheeks and windswept curls wild on his head.
Max was right behind him, all black boots and black leather, looking impervious to the chilled weather outside. Going right to Wes, he took the door in one hand and collared another around the back of Wes’s neck, holding both still while Win and Lars stepped inside, hands full of drink carriers.
“Trauma lattes are here,” Win called, holding up his hands.
“Yes, please,” Rory declared, making a grabby motion with her hands.
Win started passing out lattes, and I watched Max pull Wes back when he started for the table. Scowling, he turned, and Max smirked. The set of Wes’s shoulders relaxed slightly, and Max released the back of his neck to push his ring-covered fingers into the wayward curls. I thought maybe he’d try and smooth them out, but no, not Max. He tangled them more, pulling Wes in for a kiss.
“Trauma latte for Jess,” Win called, and I jerked around, nearly colliding with the white paper cup and black lid he dangled in front of me.
“Oh, sorry.” I offered him a smile while reaching for it. I sighed the second the warmth of the cup seeped into my hands. “Ugh, yes. Thank you for bringing these for us.”
“Are you sure it’s okay we brought these from another place? Shirley won’t be mad?” Lars worried, handing the last latte in his carrier to Landry.
“I told you it’s fine, angel,” Win said. Clearly, they’d already had this talk.
“But most places?—”
Rush interrupted him. “Most places ain’t Shirley’s, bro.”
“They love us here,” Jamie tacked on.
Lars seemed unsure as he slid into his chair near the head of the table where Win usually sat. Max and Wes filled in the empty seats alongside Ben and me.
Shirley appeared, balancing a large round tray with steaming plates covering the surface. “Who wants waffles?”
“Is that even a question?” Ben quipped. “Hand ‘em over here, Shirley.”
Ryan leaned forward. “Shirley, is it okay that we brought in lattes from another place?” He held up the cup in his hand. “We didn’t want you to have to make sixteen caramel lattes with your one espresso machine. Especially since you’re already making us all this food.”
“Of course, honey. You boys eat enough food for three people each. You go on and enjoy that coffee.”
At the end of the table, Lars relaxed in his chair, and Win ruffled his white-blond hair. I glanced at Ryan and smiled.
“Now what else can I get for ya?” Shirley asked, drawing a small pad and pen out of her apron to jot down orders.
When she was finished, she turned to Emmett. “I just want to say I think it’s really sweet of you, Coach Resch, that you’re meeting the team for a meal after a long week of finals. I’m sure it encourages them.”
A few snickers went around the table, and Emmett looked like he was about to swallow a frog. His arm, which was under the table and obviously on Bodhi’s leg, stiffened.
“He’s not just our coach, Shirley. He’s family,” Ryan said.
“Of course,” she reiterated. “I’ll leave you to it.”
When she was gone, Bodhi smirked. “Wonder what Shirley would say if she knew what kind ofencouragementCoach gives me.”
“I’m not your coach,” Emmett growled.