Page 13 of The Queen's Line
"Inconvenience? Princess Bryony, I have come all the way from Noren." Ah yes, Prince Holden. Tall and icy fair, and fully indignant at my announcement.
"Then I suggest you put your clothes on again and travel back there," I said, raising my chin. "Your summers are not so forgiving as ours."
The men broke out into a cacophony of complaints, and Wendell was quick to jump between us, helping me press the door shut to their pounding fists and managing the lock for me. I spun and ran for the bed, leaping across the end of it, burying my face in the mattress and releasing a muffled and strangled scream of frustration into the soft fabric of my sheets. The bed rustled as Thao shifted away from me, and my body ached with restrained tension as the fire of confusion and anger seemed to bleed out of me and into the silk.
Someone, probably Owen, smoothed a hand down my back, circling gently at the base until I softened and rolled over to face the room again.
The first I saw were Cosmo and Aric, standing in the doorway of the balcony, Cosmo's smile upside down and Aric's frown tilted the wrong way.
"I am to go north, to the Winter Palace," I said.
"North?" Aric growled.
"And are we dismissed like the others?" Cosmo asked instead.
I let out an un-princessly grunt as I squirmed myself into sitting upright, Owen leaning onto the bed at my side, Wendell standing at the corner with Thao leaning into his chest.
"That will be up to you," I said, sharing a look with Thao and Wendell. "I may not ever amount to what I—to what the queen's line wouldwishme to be. However, for the time being, I've been given a little time with my Chosen. Her Majesty hopes I might grow into my Hunger, and I hope I might see for myself what goes on in my own kingdom."
Aric scoffed. "You're taking court to the north?"
"I'm taking myself. And…those of you who would join me, even if it's only for the appearance of having Chosen," I said, looking them each in the eye. "Arrangements are already being made to hire staff from the villages surrounding the northern estate, but it will be…less lavish by comparison to living here."
There, that was enough of a warning, wasn't it? I had a momentary flash of regret that I'd tossed the rest of the Chosen out. How was I to know who I might warm to when I felt so little at the start? Except…I did share something with these men, even if it wasn't passion. Cosmo and Owen weren't pushy and had listened to me. Thao and Wendell were honest with me about their own needs. And Aric…
I tried to avoid turning to him, but there was an itchy craving in my chest to know what he thought of my plan. Instead of approval, his narrow-eyed gaze was only full of study and suspicion, as if he was already searching for my next failing and would be only too happy to point it out to me when he'd found it.
"We—Iam your Chosen," Thao said immediately, his eyes pulling away from Wendell to meet mine. His head dipped, and I answered it in kind, aware of the gratitude in his gaze. I didn't know what I would've done if the couple hadn't spoken to me in the morning, but they certainly helped spark my stalling tactic in front of my mother and grandmother.
"I will remain your Chosen as long as it pleases you," Wendell said, a galant echo of his lover's sentiment. His smile was more sincere than it had been the night before, a softer and more humored version of the ambassador's insistent charm.
"I will rely on you both not just for the sake of the illusion, but to help guide me through some of the misinformation I have been fed," I said quietly. "My understanding of my own kingdom has been vastly twisted by an education designed for a girl with the Hunger. And you all as well," I said turning to the others, trying to catch Aric's eye. "You are my people and my best judgement of the disservice the crown has done the kingdom."
Owen blushed a little, and Cosmo offered me a warm smile. "I'm less in tune with politics than you might assume, but I would happily take a place as your Chosen, and as an artist in residency in the Winter Palace."
I grinned, and the prickling weight in my chest of the day—no, month, ever since I'd known I couldn't stall any longer—lightened. "The palace would be honored."
A rough hand found mine on the bed, Owen's eyes dropping shyly. I wondered how he was with other women. Still so shy and sweet? It tugged at me strangely, a not unfamiliar feeling, but an unexpected one I would examine later.
"You may make use of me in any way you see fit, Your Highness," Owen said, low and soft, blue eyes flicking up to mine. "As your Chosen or a stablehand, I am at your service."
It grew stronger, the warmth in my veins and the gentle pull in Owen's direction. Was this desire? This softer version of the swelling feeling I'd felt while reading passionate romantic scenes in stories? Whatever it was, Aric cut through it with a low rumble of annoyance.
"I want no place in your palace or the pretense of being your Chosen," he announced, and I tried not to grimace at the shame that swelled at his declaration. "But these four will only flatter your naïvety. Rumsbrooke is my territory, and I will tell you the truth of your foundling efforts at ruling your people, princess. If you ever deign to visit the city, that is."
"I'll make a point of it," I snapped back at the older man. There was no reason to take offense at his not wanting to be one of my Chosen, except that seemed to be his exact aim in telling me so.
Cosmo sat up and pulled Aric onto the balcony, voice hissing and too quiet for me to hear, and I glared at their backs.
"When do we leave, Your Highness?" Wendell asked.
I sighed and raised my hands to cover the heat in my cheeks and settle my thoughts. "The sooner the better. I'd hate to have Camellia come crowing victory to me, and she may decide to try and claim some of you if we're not quick enough." I peeked through my fingers at Owen. "Unless you might prefer to be claimed?"
Owen frowned at the others before realizing the question was directed at himself. He shook his head quickly. "Not by anyone other than you."
My stomach flipped, and I returned to hiding behind my hands. Something was definitely shifting. Not an urge to pin Owen down and ride him like my sister would've done but…something. It was every bit as sweet and shy as the massive man in front of me, but it was welcome to continue.
* * *