Page 34 of The Queen's Line
I tossed the towel in the direction of our laundry before collapsing against Wendell's side, pressing a long kiss to his warm shoulder, catching a drop of salt on his skin and searching for another.
"Worry how?" I mumbled into him.
"That we'd be discovered. That a servant would walk in at any moment and not keep what they see to themselves. Your mother and father would've sent me packing to Kimmery if they'd discovered our relationship."
I decided not to mention to Wendell that my fatherhadbeen aware, and the promises I'd made so that Wendell's place as ambassador wouldn't be interrupted. One of those promises, to submit myself to the Kimmerian choosing ceremony, had brought us to this moment where it didn't matter now.
"I just feel spoiled to know that I can share this bed with you every night and to touch you openly," Wendell said.
"You don't…miss what you've sacrificed?" I asked, brow furrowing.
Wendell blinked slowly and sighed. "I do, but I think that's something that might be overcome."
He looked as though he were ready to fall asleep, and I suspected it was his way of hiding from my possible response. To reassure him, I reached for his cheek, turning his face to mine and pressing my lips firmly to his.
"I love you," I said in my own language, and then I repeated the simple words in his until Wendell's smile was wide.
"I love you too," he said.
I settled on my side, propping my head in one hand and letting the other play up and down over Wen's chest. "You don't worry that she'll dismiss us?"
His eyes opened wider, and he blinked up at me. "Not…not really. Provided we don't make things difficult for her…or the others," he said, echoing his warning to me earlier. "Even then, she strikes me as someone whostillmight try to help us. She is…she is sweet, isn't she?"
I hummed in agreement, idly playing with Wendell's nipple until he huffed and batted me away, laughing at my wicked smile.
"What would we have done if she'd been like the rest of the queen's line?" I asked.
Wendell swallowed and frowned. "It's strange to think of it now. At the time, I sort of dreaded being Chosen as much as I was determined. I didn't think the Hunger would allow for you and I to be this…comfortable. And now…"
It had to be said.Oneof us had to say it before the other would admit it, and I just hoped I wasn't wrong about Wendell's interest.
"Now I wish she'd call us to her bed," I said, and then stiffened for the three seconds it took Wendell to answer.
"Ugh, me too. She's so… I want to nibble on her. And every time she narrows her eyes at you, my cock seems to take it as an invitation to rise to a call she hasn't even made," Wen released in a rush of words so fast, it took me a moment to sort through them.
I laughed and pushed my long hair out of my face. "Yes. I can't decide if I want to turn her over my knee or put myself over hers."
Wen's eyebrows waggled. "Take turns and let me watch."
There. Of course we're on the same page. We always have been.
I sank down, and Wen moved his arm to pull me into his side, turning and meeting me for a long kiss.
"You can be charming, I know it," Wendell mumbled against my lips.
I pulled back and glared at him. "You're sayingI'mthe obstacle?"
Wendell only laughed and wrestled me back into the pillows, whispering suggestions of how we could woo the princess, and then seduce, and thenpossessher.
“At the ready," I said, still sucking in deep breaths and moving back to position.
Thao wrestled with the face guard he was wearing and huffed. "Couldn't we do this with less…wrappings?"
I huffed back and then shook my head. "Fine, yes, go ahead. I'm leaving mine on, but I know I won't scratch you."