Page 90 of The Queen's Line
"The belt," he said, as I grew stuck.
It was a jumble as I undid the belt Aric and Cresswell had gifted me, while Wendell continued to pull the dress out from under it as if he might leave me with my dagger on just to get to me faster.
"You undress too," Thao ordered, only a little more collected than Wendell and I. He'd managed to get both shoes off, but only one stocking, before he was untying the laces of his own vest.
When I was stripped of all but a stocking, and Thao and I had wrestled Wendell out of his own clothing, Wendell tackled me back to the mattress with quick and messy kisses, his bare body grinding over mine. He was a great deal taller than me, and I had to crane and twist in odd directions to kiss him and rub myself against his stiff cock at the same time, but I liked the weight and length of him on top of me, the same way I liked when Owen would pin me to the bed with his whole body and fuck me so slowly it made me want to cry with frustration.
"Don't fuck her yet," Thao said, sliding down to lie at our sides, his hand moving between us to cup at my sex, like he was trying to prevent Wendell from finding his way inside me.
"He can if he wants to," I whined, sagging against the bed and stroking at Wendell's chest as he stiffened and held himself up over me.
Wendell's cock was as long as Owen's, although not quite as thick, and I spread my legs a little wider, ready for the stroke of him inside me.
"No," Wendell sighed, shaking his head. "No, he's right. I know what I want to do."
I whined, but only for the moment it took Wendell to move back towards the edge of the bed on his knees, bowing down so his face hovered over my sex. He grinned up at me, his face poised between my thighs, framed there like a perfectly erotic picture.
"Bite the pillow if you don't want the others to hear you," he said, and then he opened his lips wide and wrapped them around the sensitive folds of my pussy, his tongue lapping and thrusting into me.
I shouted at the first warm rush of pleasure of his mouth, trying to squirm away until Wendell hooked his arms around my legs to hold me against him, one palm pressed to my stomach.
"Ass up," Thao ordered, kneeling at Wendell's side, and Wendell laughed as mine tried to bounce up in response.
I bit my lip, forcing my eyes to stay open in spite of Wendell's teasing, swirling tongue, as he hummed against me and raised his hips, giving me a beautiful view of the corded muscles of his back shifting, leading to the two rounded, dimpled globes of his ass. Thao's hands passed over the dense muscle, a dark shroud of hair falling across his cheek as he bent his head and kissed down Wendell's spine.
For all that Cosmo and Owen shared me between them and were comfortable with one another, they never gave me a view like this, touching and caressing one another. My fingers slid into Wendell's hair, my eyelids heavy at the drowsy, liquid heat he stirred with every teasing flick of his tongue against my clit, the press of his lips there in a tender kiss.
"Who are you teasing? Me or her?" Thao growled, scratching down Wendell's back and making him moan, which in turn made me moan and squirm.
My breaths panted and I tugged on Wendell's strands, trying to pull him into me, trying to force the friction he was only giving in tiny doses.
Thao leaned back, pulling his own shirt off over his head, shimmying out of his pants, a shorter, thick cock bouncing against his stomach.
"Come here," I pleaded, wanting someone to kiss, to touch me everywhere Wendell couldn't.
"Ah ah," Thao said, shaking his head, returning to his spot at Wendell's side. "I want him to hurry, and to do that…" He trailed off, his hand sneaking underneath Wendell.
Wendell's face lifted, chin and lips glossy, as he shouted, hips bucking, and I tried to twist to watch Thao touch him. "Fuck! Does it have to be all at once, Thao?" Wendell laughed, cheeks going bright red and brow furrowing as if he were trying to fight the pleasure.
"If it were all at once I would do this too," Thao said, his other hand vanishing behind Wendell's ass.
Wendell groaned and tensed, and then dove back down between my legs. I shrieked and shivered as he sucked and licked and fucked me with his tongue, more determined than before, growling from the manipulation of Thao's touches.
"I want inside her," Thao said, voice low. "I want you inside me. You know how impatient I am."
Wendell didn't bother answering and if he'd tried, I might've screamed and pulled him back to me. I was impatient too. I wanted to come, my bones ached with the Hunger's ravenous appetite for pleasure. Wendell's grip on my hips was too firm to let me ride his mouth the way I wanted, but Thao was right, he knew exactly what to do, driving me high and then holding me there as I panted and whined.
"Always teasing," Thao murmured. "Let her come. I want to feel her magic on our skin."
Wendell hummed agreeably, and his lips latched onto my clit, sucking and not letting up until I had a pillow over my face as I screamed and trembled in his arms. The force of my release was as strong as the shudder of magic bursting out of me. I didn't know where it went or if the ground trembling was just my orgasm, and I didn't care.
Wendell's arms loosened around me as I gasped into the velvet pillow.
"Let me feel her just a little?"
"Get that soaked and then fuck me with it."
Their words were filthy but the tone was tender and affectionate, almost whispers. I pushed the pillow aside just in time to watch Wendell on his knees, pulling my hips up and drawing me onto his swollen cock, rocking softly into me, a dizzy smile on his lips that parted on a moan.