Page 93 of The Queen's Line
I came before I could answer, Wendell sneaking a finger up inside of me alongside Cosmo's cock, making us both collapse with sudden cries, magic rushing out of me and into the air, bleeding through the gauze of the canopy. I hoped it did the earth good, and the people at the festival, and all of Kimmery. I wasn't surprised when Thao moved to steal Cosmo away from me, but I demanded licking kisses from them both, Wendell rising and claiming one for himself, gentle and flavored with my own taste.
Owen moved to my side, surrounded me up in his strength and heat, drawing me into his chest and away from the others, peppering kisses over my face, my neck, my shoulders.
"And how shall I serve my mistress?" he whispered.
I lifted his face with my shaking hands, sucking softly on his full lips. "I want to feel every inch of you and beg for more," I answered.
Owen growled and then pushed me down to my hands and knees. "And do you want them to hear?" he asked.
I might've claimed I didn't know who he meant—the others in the bed with us, the crowd outside of our tent, it might've been anyone—but that would've been a lie. Or maybe I only thought of them first—the men just beyond the heavy curtain, Cresswell and Daniel listening to us.
Aric, if he were here.
"Yes," I hissed, and then I shouted as Owen lined himself up and drove into me.
I was noisy, obscene, vivid in my begging for more as my Chosen touched me everywhere they could. Owen kissed and licked down my spine as he fucked me down to my elbows and then to the mattress, covering and weighing me in place, pushing me through one orgasm and then the next, until the air was thick with magic and the earth groaned with the weight of the promise.
"More," I whined as Owen sucked on my throat and trembled and gushed inside of me.
This was the Hunger. This was what it was to be one of the queen's line.
The hills rolled by the carriage windows the next morning, the colors rich and vivid, the ground bursting with renewed life. There'd been a great thunderstorm during the night, after my Chosen and I had finally started to settle and the music and crowds had grown quiet. The fresh rain had made the entire north greener it seemed, although with a coy glance at Wendell, I wondered if we could take a little credit.
"How are you?" Wendell murmured in my ear. I was perched on Owen's lap, but this time it was Wendell sharing the bench with us closely, as Thao and Cosmo cuddled together on the opposite side.
"Perfect," I said, a shy smile growing.
Owen was sleeping behind me, it was only Wendell and I awake, and even that was by a thin margin. I was looking forward to getting back to the castle and dragging them all into bed with me for more rest on a better mattress.
"You are, aren't you?" Wendell said, kissing the corner of my jaw. "Have I mentioned yet how happy I am you let Thao and I into your bedroom the night of your ceremony? Where would we be now if you'd refused?"
"Where would I? It was the two of you who gave me the idea of taking you all to the north. I might've been shuffled into a corner somewhere in the castle as an embarrassment without you."
"Mm, I doubt it. Sooner or later, someone would've managed the work of making you fall in love with them," Wendell mused, turning back to gazing out the window.
But who? One of Camellia's Chosen? There were almost no other men allowed access to us in the castle, aside from during choosing ceremonies. No, I'd been blessed with a rare kind of luck during my choosing ceremony.
"Not the right ones," I said, and watched Wendell's face grow bright with his smile.
We were almost back to the palace, and I lowered the windows to listen to the sound of the woods. I'd grown up with the smell of roses and sea air, but I already preferred the heavy and deep damp of the mountain forests, the sound of song birds in the trees, mingling with the cries from the forest floor.
I don't want to go back to the capital, I realized.I love it here. I am falling in love with these men, with the north, with my people.
And rather than worry, comfort followed. We had time here. I shifted a little so I could fit more neatly between Wendell and Owen, Wen dropping an automatic kiss to the top of my head.
"Nearly home," he murmured, and I ignored the flare of Hunger at the affection our shared thoughts drew out.
A horse hurried past the carriage window, Cresswell Stark sitting stiff as a board, eyes directly ahead as he passed us.
"I'm afraid I embarrassed him," I whispered.
"He's not embarrassed, maybe jealous. Or mourning what he can't have,” Wendell said, shrugging a little.
The gate to the Winter Palace groaned gently as it parted for us, more of the sound of a lover than the warning cry we'd heard the first night.
"We have so much work to do still," I said, my eyelids already growing heavy at the proximity to my bed.