Page 50 of Lessons with the Mothman
"This is at the height of the mating season, mind you. That's still a couple weeks away," Elias interrupted.
"Elias, I'm not accusing you of seducing me via your pheromones. I'mcurious."
He sighed and nodded. "If you and I are around each other in a couple weeks, we'll fuck. Ideally, quite a lot."
"Like tonight?" I asked, head tipping.
Elias puffed a breath. "Like tonight on repeat for several days. Until I've so thoroughly depleted myself that I can no longer rise to the occasion. Which I suppose doesn't give youenough information. We'd fuck for days on end, with very little or no refractory period."
My mouth was dry, but another part of me was making up for that in wetness. "That's not— Can that even?—?"
Elias's smile was silky, eyelids drooping slightly. "I mentioned I loved frottage. I also enjoy soaking. Oral, thigh fucking, handjobs. And keep in mind, my libido is heightened. Someone once got me off with a feather. It's all about being creative."
And already, my mind was eagerly adding suggestions. Did Elias like toys? Brett had never wanted to masturbate for me when he would rather have sex, but after we'd broken up, I'd realized that it was one of my favorite forms of porn to watch. Would Elias let me use a fleshlight to get him off?
"H-how often does this happen?"
"Thankfully, just once a year. It's not as though I lack interest the rest of the time, and anymore than that would take it from being a fun, lusty holiday into a chore," he mused.
"Have you spent it with Cyril and Atlas in the past?" I asked, remembering their eager flirting.
Elias smiled. "Not the entirety. To be honest, I don't always want company for the majority of it. That's a great deal of time to spend with other people."
A sudden rough laugh escaped me, and I slouched more comfortably against the desk. "Fair."
Elias blinked slowly, watching me. My own tongue was tied, and the silence shifted from easy to charged, the obvious question hanging between us.
"Victoria," he purred softly, and I tried and failed not to squirm on the hard floor. "Do you want to be my pretty toy?"
I gasped, and even though I was more well fucked than I had been in years, my cunt gave a needy throb.
Elias bent one leg and leaned forward, propping his chin on his knee. "Do you want to spend days in my bed, being used and fucked and soaked? I promise to be gentle."
"I don't want you to be gentle the whole time," I blurted out too easily.
This was absurd. We'd already left impersonal behind tonight, and it had only been a few hours. Days of sex? Since when had I ever wanted it more than twice in one night?
It's not about what I want. It's about what he needs. Me, a dark voice whispered in my head.
Elias grinned and shrugged, his wings scratching softly against the wall. "When, I need to be then. Let me use you. My cock's grown very fond of you, and I don't think anyone else would do, truth be told. I'd just be craving your cunt the whole time."
I exhaled and the air rattled out of me, bitter with the jealous thought of him going to anyone else now. "I'll need dates. I have cats."
Elias blinked and brightened. "Do you really? I hadn't imagined that. How interesting. But of course, we can schedule our reckless debauchery."
I rose up on my knees and Elias sat up, spreading his legs in invitation. I nodded, and his black eyes gleamed. "All right. I want to be your sex toy for your mating season."
Elias purred as I scooted closer, stopping with my knees between his thighs. His hands wrapped around my hips, his fingers digging into my ass.
"You'll let me use you day or night?" he asked.
I nodded again.
His voice lowered and he leaned in, whispering into my throat, "What about when you're so, so tired, and you fall asleep lying next to me, darling?"
I shivered, my eyes sliding shut. "Especially then."
I groaned as his long tongue stroked up the side of my throat, swirling over my pulse.