Page 12 of Trouble
Only when her sex relaxed completely around me did I still. I moved my hand from her mouth so I could wrap both arms around her body, pulling her off the hard door. “You okay,yeah?”
“M-hm.”She gave me a groggy smile, and I couldn’t hold back a laugh at the completely blissed-out expression playing across her pretty features. Yeah, that was one excellent round of fucking, allright.
It tooka little while before my brain came back from orbit after the mind-numbingly intense orgasm. It returned with athump,and the sudden and highly distressful realization that I’d just fucked a guy right out in my own stairway—for anyone to see. Orhear.
Christ,if Mrs. Peterson had been home, she’d have called the police on us for desecrating her front door—and rightfullyso.
I wasn’t that kind of girl—I’dneverbeen that kind of girl, not even in uni. And here I was, thirty-two years old and in a respectable career, with excellent credit score and a drawer full of sensible bras. And I’d let a man I’d known for less than a day screw my brains out basically right in front of all my neighbors! What thehellhad gotten intome?
Clanking from my kitchen made me bite my swollen lower lip as a warm mix of embarrassment and pleasure rushed through my veins and rose to my still-exposed chest. I knew what’d gotten into me.Liam Steelhad gotten into me—literally as well asfiguratively.
My nether region was sore from the unaccustomed activities I’d put it through not ten minutes ago, and I cringed at the feel of my fabric sofa right up against my lower lips. Yeah, there was still a big-old gaping hole in my tights and panties where he’d ripped both for betteraccess.
I wassonot this person. Even sexually liberated Eileen was not this person. And yet… I’d been the one to throw myself at him at the pub.I’dkissedhim.
Had I really been that drunk? I didn’t feel more than a little tipsy now, as I sat curled up on my sofa in the faint light from the kitchen spilling through the doorway, but maybe Liam’d just fucked the drunkenness right out of me? It’d certainly been a thorough workout, that’s forsure.
Footsteps from the hallway announced Liam’s return from the kitchen, and I looked up as his large figure crossed the threshold into the living room. He was carrying two mugs, and when he handed me one he bent to give me a peck on the lips, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. As if we weren’t practicallystrangers.
But he didn’tfeellike a stranger. My body relaxed when he sat down next to me and threw a casual arm over my shoulders, letting the warmth from his body seep into mine from where we weretouching.
Why was he so easy to relax with? Even during our date I’d been completely comfortable around him. He made it soeasy.
Maybe it wasn’t alcohol my brain was drunk on. Maybe it was that intoxicating aura of his that radiated contentedness andlifein nearly physicalmeasurements.
“Ah-ah, don’t give me that frown, love.” Liam gave my shoulders a squeeze and offered me a cheeky smile when I glanced up at him. “I’ll just think I didn’t do my job well enough. Bloody insulting,that.”
I blushed predictably and hid my face by taking a sip of too-hot tea. “Don’t tease. I can’t believe we did that. What if the neighbors had heard? What if they’d come out tocheck?”
Liam shrugged and took a long drink of his own tea, apparently not bothered by the temperature. “Then they’d have gotten some good wankingmaterial.”
“Easy for you to say,” I hissed, giving his arm a half-hearted slap. “You don’t have to livehere.”
“You care way too much about what other people think, don’t you?” He finished up his tea, put the mug on my coffee table—completely ignoring the stack of coasters—and slid his now free hand up my thigh. “I think you’d find it easier to relax if you juststopped.”
I let out a breathless laugh, all too aware of the heat from his palm through my ruined tights. “It’s that easy,huh?”
“It is,” he said with a wry smile, and I bit my lip at the way his fingertips were inching up underneath my skirt. “Let me showyou.”
I fidgeted on the sofa next to him, suddenly feeling way too sober. “Maybe weshouldn’t…”
Liam arched a ginger eyebrow at me, not stopping his hand’s slow upward stroke against my thigh. “The fact that you’re turning all red-faced and shy even after we’ve already fucked is all the more reason we should. You need to learn how to relax, love, and I’m gonna teachyou.”
His fingers slipped all the way up, spreading my lower lips apart and delving into my heat. I groaned unintelligibly in response and bit my lip when he stroked my clit with small, precisebrushes.
“Liam…” It was meant as a protest but came out as a breathy sigh.“Oh.”
Maybe he was right—maybe I did need to relax and just go with the flow. We’d already had sex once, so why be embarrassed? Maybe this wasn’t something Sober Audrey normally did, but Sober Audrey did spend a fortune on massages and painkillers in an eternal attempt at getting rid of tension headaches. I was pretty sure the last issue ofCosmopolitanI’d read while waiting for my monthly massage appointment featured an article about orgasms reducing stress. Judging by what Liam’d just done to me out in the hallway, there was a pretty good chance I’d be fifty shades of zen before he wasdone.
Liam seemed to sense my resistance dying down, because he withdrew his hand and grabbed my mug, moving it to the table. With that smile of his that made my stomach warm and fizzy still teasing at the corners of his mouth, he placed both his hands on my shoulders and deftly eased me down on my back on the couch. Large but nimble fingers flicked open the buttons of my shirt, and then my plain bra and soft stomach were on display. I bit my lip, feeling a short stab of uncertainty at being bared to his gaze, but one look at his face and any insecurity crumbled anddied.
He looked at me with such unadulterated yearning, my skin seemed to heat under his eyes as they swept from my face down my chest to my navel, and back up again. I couldn’t remember another time anyone had ever looked at me with such devastating desire, such complete and uninhibitedwant.It made my head spin and my abdomen pulse with respondingneed.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” His voice was rough, urgent. “Do you know how badly I’ve wanted you all day? And then there you were, in that pub, like a goddamn sign fromabove.”