Page 40 of Trouble
Audrey’s frown turned deeper. “Sportswear? Where exactly are wegoing?”
“It’s a surprise.” I offered her a wide smile. “But it’ll be worth it. Trustme.”
She hesitated for a little while, but then nodded and turned back around. “All right. Wait here while I get changed,then.”
* * *
Audrey lookedup at the huge cathedral with complete confusion as I stopped her by an unlit part around the back. St. Paul’s Cathedral, with its white walls and trademark dome, was a stunning piece of masonry from the eighteenth century and quite a bit of a tourist attraction—during the day time. At night the roads surrounding it, particularly at the back, lay quiet and more or less abandoned. I’d taken us to a particularly shaded part as well, to avoid pulling random passersby’s interest, too. As far as it was possible in a city like London, we wouldn’t be interrupted for what I had plannednext.
“It’s closed,” she said, obviously still having not clocked on to my intentions. “Did you mean for us to goin?”
“Not exactly. How are you with heights?” I shot her a cheekysmile.
“I usually don’t mind them, why?” She looked as confused asever.
I swung my backpack off and reached in for the gear I’d brought. When I pulled out the two harnesses and rope, her cute frown of confusiondeepened.
“That, my dear, is climbing equipment.” I jingled the metal-and-nylon gear in front ofher.
“I don’t underst—” her voice broke with a startled gasp when she finally grasped my plan. “You’rejoking!”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweets.” I gave her a wink and then shook the harness I’d brought for her free, easing it around her hips and between her thighs before she shook herself out of her stunnedstupor.
“Liam, what the hell? Are you insane? You want us to—toclimbabuilding?”
“Not just any building. This cathedral.”He finished trapping me in the harness, tugging sharply on several loose ends before he slipped into his own. He looked way too comfortable with it, and at the back of my mind, I wondered if I was about to discover exactly what sort of activities had given Liam his amazing body. “The view’s amazing from up there. I betcha you’ve never seen London like you will once we’reup.”
I blinked, still sure he was having me on. “I’ve been up the Eye before. You know, during the opening hours, safely cocooned in one of the cages. Like a normal person. I’m not doingthis.”
“Why not?” The way he looked at me, with that eternal smile on his lips, made me bite my lip. He sounded like he truly didn’t believe there was a good reason not to freakin’ climb up a several centuries old—and very tall—religious building, like it was something all couples did on datenight.
“Uh, how about because it’s dangerous? We couldfall.”
“Nah, love.” Liam gave my harness a playful tug, making me stumble closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my body and kissed the top of my head before I could straighten up. “You’re all safe. This’ll make sure you don’t get hurt. Besides, you’ll be with me. I’d never let youfall.”
I swallowed at the smoldering fire in his eyes, willing my ovaries to calm the heck down. I wasn’t going to let him talk me into this ridiculous idea just because a single look from him could fry my ability to thinkstraight.
“It’s illegal,” I countered. “And did I mention an all-round terrible idea? I’m not exactly some gymnastics god here. You might be able to Spider-Man a building, but I’m not. And besides, why do you evenwantto do this? Just tell me one goodreason!”
Liam nudged my chin playfully again and then stepped away, looking up the cathedral. “It’s an easy climb, and I’ll help you. Trust me, love, if you want to, you can. And as for the why…” He looked back at me, and for once, the smile was gone. Something more solemn, but so sincere it nearly stole my breath away, glowed back at me from his shadowed eyes. “When was the last time you felt truly free, Audrey? You work an office job, your life revolves around figures and numbers. I bet you follow all the rules, like you have done since you were sitting at the front row of your class, hand up to show the teacher what a good girl youwere.
“Do you even know what it feels like to be free? Do you ever look up at the sky and wonder who you’d be, if you’d been allowed to choose? That’s what’s up there, love. Freedom. And it’s waiting for you to come and fucking take it. So come. Take it. Withme.”
I was vaguely aware of the tears blurring my vision as I stared at Liam. Maybe if I’d been able to look away from his burning gaze I could have retreated behind my normal shield of rationalization. I could have huffed and argued that there was no way some illusive sense offreedomcould be found at the top of a bloodybuilding.
But as his gaze bored into mine, it felt like hesawme—saw my very essence, and every hope and every dream I’d abandoned along the way as I molded myself to become the person my parents thought I shouldbe.
“How do you know?” I whispered, my throat constricting around the words. “How do you know me sowell?”
He reached out and brushed a thumb against my cheek, capturing a trailing tear. “We’re all caught in the same bullshit, love. Of who we’re supposed to be—of expectations we think we have to fulfill. When I need a reminder of what truly matters, I comehere.”
I nodded, wiping the last few stray tears from my face and stepped up the the side of the building. Someone who could see me this well… I wanted to follow him wherever he wouldlead.