Page 62 of Monsters After Dark
I also recognized this as something we watched earlier and remembered what Maria did during it. I tilted to the side and ran my tongue over his extended member. With no crown I was unsure where the most sensitive spot would be so I licked him from base to tip then swirled my tongue along his top, and watched for reactions.
I hadn’t needed to worry — the second my tongue touched him he froze mid-lick and became so ramrod stiff he defied gravity. So I did what any good partner would do to someone just learning… I threw him into the deep-end. I opened my mouth and engulfed him, taking him as deep as I could without choking. I’m no expert at this so he wasn’t all the way down my throat, but he was in far enough in that he was surrounded by warm wet heat.
He shuddered, inadvertently moving over my tongue for moment. He quickly realized that movement was a good thing and began rubbing himself along my tongue, teaching himself to fuck my mouth. I joined in, bobbing my head gently over him for added friction.
Gluub remained watching us and keeping me tied, until the moment he leaned over himself to lap at my juice, his tongue brushing Khaw’s.
I can’t pinpoint how or why but that turned me on. So I wondered…
I sucked lightly at Khaw then pulled myself back from his length and offered my tongue to Gluub. I wondered if he wished to taste Khaw on my tongue. Several of his eyes zoned in on my tongue and he leaned and opened his mouth to mine.
Those beautiful lips of his enclosed over my tongue, his own lapping at mine. I lost myself for a moment by tilting my head and kissing him. My lips nipped at his, caressing and sliding alternately, my tongue teasing his and exploring his mouth. All six eyed went wide and then hooded as he attempted to repeat my same movements.
Yes… Kiss me you silken-lipped ocean Siren. Wrap me in your arms, pull me close and ravage my mouth.
One day, once he learned more, I would have that. For now we explored and learned together.
I pulled back and he followed until I turned my head and slowly licked Khaw again. Gluub looked between me and Khaw’s stiffness. I licked Khaw once more, my eyes on Gluub. The aviarid moaned low as I circled his tip with my tongue before engulfing him for a moment. I popped him out of my mouth and licked my lips at Gluub, teasing him.
Clearly I was not the only one adept at sexual teasing, because Gluub leaned his face towards me, as if offering a kiss, and watched my expression as he inserted Khaw’s tip into his mouth and sucked.
I’m pretty sure I had a mini orgasm seeing that. For sure I squirted enough to wet the bed, which Khaw noticed and he began to lick me again. The Octoceph opened his mouth, inserting Khaw’s entire length then slowly drawing him out. Khaw gasped and made a short peeping sound. Gluub looked… amused.
I leaned in and licked Khaw again, and this time Gluub joined me. Our tongues brushed each other as we went back and forth over Khaws stiffness which grew even larger and quaked lightly when we licked him together.
In the middle of this Khaw found that when he licked around my clitoris, I also quaked, and made more wetness. It was turning into his favorite game — seeing how much wetness he could encourage from me then lapping it up.
That game came to its pinnacle when his tongue circled my clit at the same time Gluub figured out he could suck on Khaw when he was in his mouth. Khaw gasped and crowed softly, thrusting himself against Gluub’s tongue, brushing over just the right spot on me, a tentacle tweaked my nipple as I watched this all happening, and threw my head back and spewed like a volcano.
Gluub joined Khaw in lapping at my cum as I lay there shuddering out the remains of my orgasm. One down, two to go.
I spread my legs more, tugging at the tentacles binding them and bringing both of their attention to me.
“I need my hands and feet.” I wiggled my fingers. Gluub’s limbs loosened and I immediately turned to grasp Khaw’s stem, stroking him. When he started to press himself into my hand more, I motioned for him to come between my legs. The octoceph moved, making room for him. I continued stroking him for another few seconds then pulled him on top of me. He visibly melted as he stared into my eye, leaning forward to nuzzle my face and kiss me. It wasn’t until I parked his tip at my entrance and used a heel to nudge him forward that he startled in surprise, eyes wide as saucers. Gluub brought his face right to where we were joined, watching both the process and each of our reactions at the same time, two eyes on each.
Khaw pushed further in and I winced slightly at the feeling of being so full. He immediately fretted, ruffling his feathers and making an upset sound. I instructed him to pull back then to come forward again but just a bit. Once again back, once again forward, until he slid inside me to his hilt.
The thick twists of the skin around him could be felt brushing over my insides once he was in me. I rested my hands on his hips and moved him back only a couple of inches then forward again a few times until his instincts crept in and he found himself moving back and forth inside me for friction.
He thrust into me as my ankles met the back of his thighs, encouraging him. He kissed me soundly, leaving his lips on mine as he worked himself into a frenzy at the spot where we met. It was actually sweet. Gluub was eyeing us intently and I noticed a parting between his layers of limbs. From there I watched a section of thinner smaller tentacles usher forth and tangle themselves together into a protrusion.
Was this how he mated? Or was he mimicking Khaw’s cock so that he can join us?
Khaw’s legs began to tremble as the pouch at the base of his cock began to fill, locking him into me. I felt the swelling though I think he remained unaware of the knot that began. He picked up speed with shorter thrusts, a low warble forming in his chest until he let out a squawk, spraying my insides and resting on top of me. That was when he noticed he was ‘stuck’ in me and became worried. I calmed him, stroking a hand over his back and having him rest until it began to release. Gluub faithfully watched every movement and every angle, learning.
When Khaw finished, I wondered how to suggest to Gluub that he come to me but he did not need any prompting. Strong tentacles eased Khaw to the side and Gluub rested between my legs. With a single move, he lifted me and carefully flipped me over then pulled me up onto my knees.
He really did learn a lot today, didn’t he? I may need to send Maria something as thanks.
From behind, a tentacle wrapped around my throat, securing me. Another one grabbed a clump of my hair, manhandling me into a more preferred position — head to the side. Tentacles secured my thighs, opening me to his view.
I began to get a bit nervous, which he either scented or sensed because soothing petting motions smoothed down my back.
My lower parts were prodded open and exposed, tentacle tips rubbing up and down, spreading leftover wetness. I had no idea that Gluub’s longer tentacles had hooks and sucker rings. Or that the suckers had tiny soft teeth attached. But I sure as hell know now, since he used them to part my lower lips at the center and spread me wider. I could feel the tugging but there was no pain. Tentacles pressed along me, filling and then leaving as he tested my inner width.
The grip on my hair tightened and I felt his weight on my back as a foreign presence began to invade me. The protrusion of tentacles he created writhed and moved as they stretched into me. I felt stray smaller fingerlings stroke over my clitoris as the mass grew and swell in my confines. If I was not aware of what was inside of me, I would have panicked and screamed. Even so, I was taken by surprise at the feeling of things moving inside of me as they entered and exited.
The fingerlings brushed wetness along my most sensitive parts while the wriggling intrusion thrust farther into me, causing me to gasp. He was thick at his base, though tapered, and not seeing or having any control lead to a hitch of fear in me.