Page 36 of Feral
“I don’t! Stop!” I fought against him, bringing my knees up to push against his too-strong bulge. All it did was anger him.
With a snarl, he got to his knees and pulled me with him, flipping me over onto my front. I tried to kick, but he just yanked on my hips, turning my ass up while my face was still buried in the mattress.
I was so much weaker than him, so much smaller. There was nothing I could do to prevent this. Despite my sex shivering with anticipation of the not entirely unpleasant kind, I choked back the tears pooling in my eyes and thickening in my throat. For one unguarded moment, I’d let myself pretend everything was okay—that if I gave in to our damned bond, I would be rewarded with blissful unity. A partner in this dark hell.
What I received instead was the only thing I’d ever find in this compound:
Forced submission.
The alpha growled behind me, sending a shiver of fear and unwanted need up my spine—and then pressed his mouth to my already dampened folds.
I gasped at the unexpected touch, of the gentleness of it—and then at the shock of electric pleasure as he found my clit and sucked it into his mouth with more force than finesse.
I cried and clawed at the mattress while he sucked on me, the lewd sounds of my increasing wetness and his appreciation of my flavor a constant reverberation around us. The other alphas were waking up at the sounds of my unwilling pleasure, low growls echoing through the lab.
I clenched my eyes and shut them out, not wanting to hear their excitement, and focused on the orgasm building between my legs.
Zach was rough with my clit, firm lips pulling and plucking at it as his tongue lapped up my slick, but my body responded as if he were playing it like a violin. Despite myself, despite my tears, heat burned in my blood and, at the final moments, I pushed back against him, grinding on his tongue and howling as I orgasmed.
He kept licking me as I slumped on the mattress, still on my knees. I panted as I came down from my high, twitching when he caught my now over-sensitive clit with flicks of his tongue, but otherwise keeping still. Hoping I could stay in my cocoon of pleasure and not have to deal with what came next.
It was a useless hope, of course. It didn’t take long until the alpha was done lapping up the liquids I’d spilled in my climax, and I bit my lip as he straightened and got into position behind me.
The heated, pulsing head of his cock nestled in between my splayed lower lips, testing my body’s resistance with a firm push.
I groaned, my slick tunnel eager to accept him, but still not used to gaping wide enough for an easy entry.
“Please, Zach. Please don’t.” I don’t know why I begged him again—I’d long since given up on reaching his frayed humanity through the haze of his rut—but the ache of him as he breached my opening stoked my desperation anew. “Don’t force me.”
He growled in response, deep andangry,and I closed my eyes tight and waited for the pain of his thrust.
But it didn’t come.
He clutched at my hips, digging his fingers into my flesh, but at my gasp of pain he let go with another snarl, pushing me away hard enough that I landed flat on my stomach with a grunt.
When I looked at him over my shoulder, too stunned to speak, he shot me a look I couldn’t decipher in the dark and got to his feet. Shoulders tight and muscles flexing, he went to the bars, leaning against them.
I could make out his profile in the low light. He was staring into the lab, eyes fixed on God knows what. The tension rolled off him in near tangible waves, making me huddle on the mattress.
But he’d stopped.
Even in the depths of his rut, he’d stopped.
* * *
Neither of usslept anymore that night. Zach stayed leaned against the bars, glaring into the lab, and I huddled on the mattress, missing his body heat, but unwilling to ask him to hold me. I wasn’t dumb—whatever it’d taken the feral alpha to restrain himself, I wasn’t about to push it with requests for warmth.
When our breakfast arrived, we ate in silence with as much space between us as the cell would allow, and after, Zach went back to staring out into the lab.
He growled at Kenneth when he injected him with the usual serum, but didn’t put up a fight. Not until the guards came to lead us back to the test room we hated so much.
Then he fought, throwing his massive body at our captors, snarling and howling as Kenneth pulled me from the cell to follow him. It didn’t help. It never did.
“Is it going to be bad today?” I asked quietly as I walked by my former colleague’s side. It wasn’t that every instinct in my body didn’t scream at me to fight and run, but I knew better. There was no point in adding to the pain.
Kenneth didn’t answer, but his jaw tightened.
I swallowed thickly as he refused to look at me, keeping my eyes locked straight ahead on the guards forcing Zach forward. Whatever was ahead, I held on to the gratitude that the alpha hadn’t forced himself inside of me last night. Whatever torture lay ahead, at least I had been spared that one indignity.