Page 70 of Daring Destiny
Three Months later
Never, in a million years, did I think I’d be subjected to such utter and complete bullshit.
The past three months have been a whirlwind of legal drama and emotional exhaustion. Once I comprehended the CognifyAI board was serious about owning Reuniverse, we entered into initial mediation proceedings. I flew back to Palo Alto and the drama hasn’t stopped.
Lawyers. Lawyers. Fucking lawyers.
First, we fought about where the mediation would happen. CognifyAI wanted to keep everything in Silicon Valley. My lawyers pushed back to keep it in Seattle. Ultimately, we agreed on Palo Alto because CognifyAI’s headquarters are there now.
Thirty thousand bucks later, we were on to discovery.
Fights about emails. Documents. Forensic computer diagnosis. Corporate formation. Thousands of files were reviewed, cataloged, and filed. All the while dealing with endless Zoom calls, paperwork, and strategy sessions.
Ninety thousand dollars later, and we’re finally at the starting point.
This entire process leaves a bitter fucking taste in my mouth and endless legal bills.
How has it come to this? CognifyAI is my company and I hate it. Hate everything about it. There’s no joy in being the CEO. Not when I’m fighting to preserve my integrity each and every day.
I’ve done nothing wrong.
I swear to God, I’ve wanted to throw in the towel so many times. Give them both companies to stop the bleeding. Every time I get an email from my legal team, I have to brace myself. There’s some new accusation. Demand. Derogatory comment. My mental health is at an all-time low.
In a perfect world, my ability to hyperfocus would have me overprepared for this mediation. I’d be able to anticipate anything and everything they throw at me and have an answer for it all. Unfortunately, I’m so angry, my mind is a whirlpool of a million fragmented thoughts. Agitated. Spinning. Nonstop mental gymnastics trying to find some order.
That’s the downside of how my mind works, sometimes. Which sucks because this mediation is probably the most important milestone in my career. If I can harness my focus on doing well, I’ll have choices. If I can’t, I may lose two companies I’ve put my heart and soul into.
Now, what Iamfocused on is Astrid. Right now it feels like the only good thing I’ve got going is her and her determination to pull us through. When I’m in Seattle on the weekends, she and I spend Friday and Saturday together. Sundays we’re at my parents’ house.
Astrid’s houseboat has become our sanctuary. The one place where we can cuddle, fuck, watch bad TV and pretend everything is normal. Throughout this process, she’s been my rock. Nothing about this litigation phases her. She’s a goddamn warrior for me, her and Reuniverse.
Not so much with regard to her parents. Astrid decided it’s best not to speak to them since the horrific brunch. She says she’ll reach out eventually, but needs time to process. Whenever I bring it up, she changes the subject. I get she doesn’t like to talk about it so I haven’t pushed, but I know the situation weighs on her.
Especially now.
Part of me feels like she’s quietly quitting her family. Maybe forever.
Which is why, despite her asking me not to, I’m finding relief from the hellish litigation by researching her background. It’s kept me sane on the late nights I can’t sleep to try to piece together the situation. I can’t understand why they’re so cold to her.
I’ve made progress and, for now, it’s giving me an outlet while I’m in limbo about the status of my future.
The plan is, I’ll surprise Astrid and give her real peace. She’ll see how committed I am to her and her happiness. Ultimately, my hope is her family can heal and she can experience the same sense of belonging and closeness the McGloughlins enjoy. I know it’s possible.
But, today we mediate.
The conference room is cold as hell. I can’t tell if it’s the air-conditioning or the tension in the room. Probably both. I’m on one side of the conference table with my three lawyers and Astrid. We sit across from the CognifyAI legal team, all of whom glower at me like I’m some criminal.
I glare back but Astrid remains composed, steady, and completely unbothered. She’s stellar under this type of pressure.
I’m not. They’re here to dig. To find anything to paint me into a corner. My best-case scenario is keeping my composure because, though I’ve been well prepared, my emotions are all over the map.
The mediator, whose name I can’t remember, is a fifty-something woman in a no-nonsense black suit. She takes her place at the head of the table and clears her throat, setting the tone for the session. “The sole purpose of why we’re here is to clarify certain aspects regarding the development of Reuniverse and to address concerns brought forward by CognifyAI’s legal team. I expect both sides to be truthful and forthcoming with information.”
Astrid gives me a quick, reassuring glance before focusing back on the mediator. I know she’s ready, but it sucks she has to go through this. It’s my fight, and yet they’re using her as a way to get to me.