Page 17 of Lemon Cake
Yeah, thought I’d wish you a good day before leaving.
You made me blush.
I hope you have a good day too.
Love seeing you blush for me.
Gemma rushed to fix her hair, then took a picture of herself in the mirror and sent it to him.
Now that made my day!
A moment later, a picture of him with that cocky little grin popped up on her screen.
And that made mine.
Gemma’s day was filled with end of the year tasks. It was her kids last week in her class before they moved to the next level, which meant things were pretty crazy. It also meant that she was preparing for the new school year. Name tags had to be printed but first Gemma had to figure out what kind of theme she wanted to go with. Alongside that, she would also be getting a new assistant teacher before meeting the new families.
When Rider called on her way home, Gemma instantly perked up. “Hi there,” she greeted him.
“How was your day?”
“A bit sad but it was good.”
“Why sad?”
“It’s the last week for my kiddos before they move on to the next class and we had our end of the year party. I really enjoyed this set.”
“Do you not always enjoy your classes?” he asked teasingly.
“I do, but some are more loving, others are more funny, and some are a lot more work but they’re all totally worth it.”
“Are you excited for the next group?”
Gemma blew out a breath. “Yes, but I still have to get a lot of stuff done. I only figured out a theme to go with on my way out, so now I have to start planning everything.”
“You have a new theme every year?”
“Yes. I also have to get the cribs back out because some of these kids don’t walk yet.”
“Sounds like you have your work cut out.”
“How was your workday?”
“We talked about strategies before we did some walk-throughs.”
“Sounds like you’re living the life.”
“What are you up to now?”
“I’m about to pick up Dan and make sure he’s entertained until Gina gets home.”
“Do you help her out a lot?”
“Yeah, sometimes when she has to work late, I take him for a few hours. What are your plans for the night?”
“Just going home and going over the plays we talked about, probably gonna do that on the treadmill.”
“Fancy,” she giggled.