Page 64 of Lemon Cake
“Always has been,” Gina chimed in. “She knew all the secrets when I had Dan.”
“So… You and Gemma,” Jake started. By the look on his face, Rider wasn’t going to like what was coming.
“Jake, let them be!” Sarah scolded. “If you keep going you’ll be the last to know.”
“Know what?” Gina asked.
Sarah didn’t take her stern gaze off Jake, and he thankfully stayed quiet.
With his teammate silenced, Rider sighed and looked back to Gemma, unable to meet her sister’s gaze as he explained, “Jake likes to bug me about proposing toGemma.”
“Whenever that is let me know, I know her ring size and her taste,” Gina winked.
“Perfect! The sister approves!” Jake cheered.
Devon laughed and rose to his feet. “One more word and the press will be asking why you showed up to practise with a black eye. Let’s see how much that trampoline can hold. I’m not about to let Gemma have all the fun.”
Seeing Gemma with his friends was the most fun he’d had in weeks. Rider’s heart was filled with nothing but love and appreciation. It was a mental break he didn’t know he’d needed. During a typical season, he stayed focused solely on football, but this was soul-soothing.
On the way home, Rider kept Gemma’s hand in his, brushing her knuckles with his thumb. “You looked like you had fun.”
“I did,” she said with a smile, and though her eyes were glowing she looked exhausted. “Gina and Jake seemed to get along.”
“I think he got her number when we were leaving.”
“Oh, I’m sure I’ll hear all about it.”
He parked and walked her to her door, her head resting on his bicep. “I know it’s still a few weeks away, but my mom is visiting for Thanksgiving and would love to meet you.”
“As long as you cook the turkey,” she said, unlocking the door. “Gina and I have never dared to cook one. We usually keep it small—just us and my mom.”
“My mom goes all out. Maybe all of you can comeover?”
“That sounds dangerous—but also very trusting of you. My mom and your mom, that’s a big step.” His heart skipped a beat, terrified that he’d taken it too far. “I love it.”
He let out an audible sigh, and Gemma pulled him through the door behind her.
“Wait here. I’ve got something for you.” She disappeared, then came back with a package in her hand. “I haven’t opened it yet, so this might not end well,” she giggled.
He crooked his eyebrow, taking the bundle from her hands. “But you know what is inside?”
He stepped over to the table and laid it flat, slicing through the tape with his key. Once he saw what was inside, he couldn’t help but grin. There laid the pictures they’d taken in Bayou Park. The day he told her he loved her. It was a collage of three pictures.
Rider fingered the letters on the frame, reading the words out loud. “Sometimes you just know.”
Gemma slid under his free arm while he lifted the frame and admired the pictures. And goddamn they were hot. She looked perfect in his arms, pressed up against a tree with his fingers under her skirt like they were the only two people in the world.
“I love it.” Then he turned and kissed her head. “I loveyou.”
Gemma tipped back, capturing his lips in a soft kiss. “I love you too.”
Rider hauled in the last of the groceries, finding that his mom was already putting away the frozen foods. Soon she would be ordering him to chop vegetables. Though she did her best to hide it, she was nervous to meet Gemma and her family. Admittedly, he knew it was a big step, but it felt right, and he was looking forward to everyone coming together. They hadn’t had a single win since Jacksonville, and Rider’s mood had been terrible. He needed this break just like he’d needed it before. His mother had arrived late on Monday, but between work and being too exhausted to talk in the evenings, they’d hardly had any time together.
Gemma had been his rock during this mess of a season. She never missed an opportunity to make him smile. Some evenings, he’d come home to find her with a home cooked meal and all the cuddles he could possibly want. Others she’d sendhimflowers or other small gifts to lighten his mood. Rider hadn’t realised that he loved receiving flowers just as much as he loved giving them.