Page 7 of Strawberry Cake
He stopped behind it, not seeing a free spot nearby. “I really enjoyed today.”
“Me too.”
“Text me when you’re home safe, okay?”
“You too.”
“I will, I promise.”
She gave him one of her beaming smiles, waved, and hopped out of the car. Decan watched, waiting for her to be settled in her own vehicle before he reluctantly drove off.
Hope’s heart was racing when she looked into the mirror and watched Decan drive away. Actually, it had done so the whole damn morning. First dates were notoriously awkward, but that hadn’t been the case with him. What idiot would plan a first date going book hunting, she thought. But Decan seemed to have enjoyed himself. Not only had he said it, he’d made her feel that he’d wanted to be there the whole time. Hope was confident they hadn’t been empty words.
Her hands shook as she tried to put her key in the ignition, and only now did she realise the adrenaline pumping through her body. She shivered, the nervous energy slowly fading. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calming herself as she held it and counted to seven. Then she slowly exhaled, and repeated the exercise three times.
On the way home, she stopped at the store to grab her weekly grocery run, pausing to text Decan as promised.
I stopped at the store, so not home yet. I didn’t want you to worry.
I thought you might have forgotten.
Thank you for texting.
Are you home?
Just got to the gym.
Have fun :)
Would be if you tagged along.
You did ask very nicely.
Maybe another day.
So, if I remember my manners, there’s a higher chance you’ll say yes?
Of course.
Would you like to go out for dinner or lunch next week? It would brighten my day very much.
Pretty please.??
I would like that very much.
When fits best for you?
Tuesday? I get off at 5.
So far away, but I’ll take it.
Any kind of food you absolutely hate?