Page 42 of Shadow Dance
After a while, I follow Cal the Devil and Maeve the Angel up to the VIP lounge on the mezzanine level, smirking as we ascend the stairs. Guess we’re not visiting the Pink Room tonight, not with innocent, little Maeve in attendance. Like the Pink Room, the VIP lounge is guarded by staff, offers bottle service, and has plush seating. The only difference is that it provides an elevated view of the dance floor below. And no one’s getting blow jobs. Not yet anyway.
It doesn’t take long for things to get crazy, though. Cal, Griff, Mac, and Roman are on a real bender tonight, ordering round after round of drinks, smoking, snorting a cocktail of coke and ketamine they callCalvin Klein. I keep my eye on them, making sure no one passes out, while also keeping tabs on Maeve, who, surprisingly, seems to be having an okay time.
Maeve isn’t the only girl dressed as an angel here, but she’s by far the prettiest one. Her costume has ballerina vibes, with a short, white tutu beneath her big, feathery wings. She’s got shimmery makeup all over her eyes, glitter everywhere, and her shiny, dark hair is loose, hanging down her back. Every once in a while, she leaves the VIP room to dance, and I always follow her, staying just close enough to help if necessary.
She’ll be fine here tonight, though. Not only is she connected to Cal’s family, but Quartz & Crystal also has great security. That Pink Room shootout was apparently both an anomaly and an inside job that was swiftly dealt with—so I don’t have to worry about any real threats. Just drunk, handsy guys and girls.
Maeve watches me when she dances, the demure smile gracing her lips an invitation we both know I can’t accept. She’s been drinking, but I know by now that she likes me. It’s obvious when we’re hanging out, even if she never really crosses the line.
Well, sometimes she comes close. Fixing my collar and shit, saying she likes my hair. I like hereverything, but I keep that to myself. I’mjuggling enough plates right now without adding a forbidden affair to the mix. I can look, though, and I do. I watch her spin and twirl, arms lifted on the smoky dance floor. When she’s not eye-fucking me, her eyes are closed, and she seems almost happy.
Cal and company are being their usual horny selves, flirting with anything in a skirt. Cal has enough decency to turn down the lap dances his friends are getting when Maeve’s around, but who knows what he does when she leaves the VIP lounge.
I’m sipping on a beer, watching the craziness below, when the cute blonde who’s been eyeing me all night finally struts over. I’ve been sending off a no-touch vibe, not wanting to be too distracted, but this girl is determined. Leaning against the glass balustrade, she blinks her big, blue eyes up at me. “Hi.”
“Hi.” I allow a small smile, amused at her coyness. It’s an act, but I can see how it works for her.
“I’m Zoe,” she says, extending her hand. She’s dressed as a sexy vampire, right down to the drop of blood at the corner of her lips.
“Jaime,” I reply with a gentle handshake.
“How come you’re all by yourself over here?” she asks, wrapping her glossy red lips around her cocktail straw.
Without meaning to, I glance at Maeve. She’s tucked into Callum’s side, beneath his arm, but her eyes are on me. Like I knew they’d be. “I like the view.”
Zoe’s lips twitch into a smile. “You’re one of those strong, silent types, huh?”
“That’s kind of a cliché, isn’t it?” I say, returning my gaze to her.
She hitches a shoulder. “Cliches exist for a reason.”
“You have a girlfriend, don’t you?” she asks.
“Why d’you think that?”
“Because you’ve been fending off the girls all night. Well, except for her.” She laughs, tilting her head toward the couch where Maeve’s sitting. “But she’s obviously not yours, so …”
When my eyes find Maeve this time, she’s staring into space with a faint frown, seemingly lost to the world. Callum laughs uproariously, jostling her as he yells unintelligibly over the music, and she looks up atme. The sadness in her eyes reaches into my chest and squeezes. As if she has the right.
I can’t do this with you right now, Maeve.
“No, she’s not mine,” I agree. “Just a friend. I don’t have a girlfriend.”
“I can be your girlfriend tonight,” Zoe says, cocking her head.
“Why?” I ask, letting my gaze trail over her. She’s got a great body, just like all the girls here. “You could have any guy.”
“Because I like you. I like the way you look.” Suddenly she seems almost nervous, like she actually means what she’s saying. “You’re different than the other guys here. And you’ve got gorgeous hair.”
That makes me smile a little. I must be doing something right with my hair if Maeve and now this girl are complimenting me on it. “You, too.” I touch one of her shiny, blonde curls, imagining how it would look wrapped around my fist. I’m tired of abstaining.
“Yeah?” She grins, coming closer.
I nod. “I like curly hair.” I like long, dark, curly hair if we’re being specific, but that’s not in the cards for me tonight.
Zoe practically preens with pleasure, her blue eyes glowing as she presses a light kiss to my cheek. “I love this song. Dance with me?”