Page 73 of Shadow Dance
“Hey, guys!” I laugh, glancing at my face in the smaller window at the bottom. I look okay, I think. “This is a nice surprise!”
“We wanted you to be the first to hear the good news,” Bria says slowly, her cheeks flushed with happiness as she grins at me.
I gasp because I already know what they’re about to tell me. “Oh my God!”
Lucky holds up a sonogram right as Liam screeches, “I’m gonna have a brother!”
“Or a sister,” Lucky says, his giddy smile rivaling Bria’s.
“I can’t believe it,” I cry, and then I’m actually crying, dabbing delicately at my eyes. “I’m so happy for you guys! Aw, I can’t wait to come home!”
“That’ll be soon, right?” Bria asks, her warm eyes searching mine through the screen.
“As soon as I can,” I choke out.
Lucky’s smile never falters, but his eyes narrow a little. “You good, Mae?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m great,” I assure him, nodding. Damn him for knowing me almost as well as I know myself. “I know B tells you everything, so I know she told you I’m moving back home as soon as I get my stuff in order.”
“You’re coming back?” Liam asks, his eyes wide. “Forever?”
“I sure am,” I tell him, buoyed by the thought.
“Hold on,” Lucky says as Liam cheers, and the phone screen goes dark as he puts it down. When he lifts it again, Bria and Liam are gone and it’s just him. “What’s going on?” he asks quietly.
“Nothing,” I say quickly. “I mean, well. I don’t want to get into it over the phone, but … things aren’t working out with Callum. I’m sure that makes you happy, huh?” A soft, bitter laugh tumbles out before I can rein it in.
“Anything I need to know about?” he asks lightly, but I know him. I recognize that sharp look in his eyes, the one that doesn’t miss a thing.
I need to get off this call. “Nah. I’ll tell you guys everything when I get back, but it’s all good for now. Anyway, I’m over the moon happy for you, Lucky! I can’t wait to get back and celebrate! Am I really the first to know? Even before Mom and Dad?”
“We’re calling them next,” he says. “What happened to your eye, Mae?”
My heart gives a violent lurch.Damn it. “I had a nasty fall during dance, clipped the barre. It’s kind of embarrassing, but it’s healing.”
He looks at me for a long time, his face expressionless.
“Lucky, it’s fine,” I say with a laugh. “I’ll?—”
“If I find out you’re lying to me, I’ll cut Callum’s fucking hands off and stuff them down his fucking throat.”
“I’m not lying, and you’re overreacting,” I say with a casual calm I do not feel. “Okay?”
“When are you coming home?” he presses, undeterred.
“Soon,” I promise, desperate to get off the phone.
“Do we need to come and get you?” he asks. “Tristan?—"
“Lucky, I love you, but come on.” I shake my head. “I’ll be home by next week. Listen, I’m going to be late for Mass. I’ll let you know once I’ve made my reservation, okay?””
We say our goodbyes and disconnect. I drop my face into my hands. Of course he isn’t buying my lies. He knows something’s up.
Because Callum was right about one thing—Lucky’s never liked him. Had he and my family known that the De Leons were another crime family, they’d have been even more resistant to me moving here. Knowing Lucky, he’d have had people keeping an eye on me and I just couldn’t stomach that.
A lot has happened since then and now I’m as grateful for my brother’s protectiveness as I am afraid of it. But I’m protective, too, and I’ll be damned if I’m the reason something happens to Lucky or Tristan.
I’m still shakenby the call when Jaime and I pull up to Saint Ambrose.