Page 26 of Yours, Always
“Chuck, you’re a grown man, you can figure it out.” Gabe opened the door and motioned her to come back in. “Gotta go.” Prudence hung up the phone without saying goodbye, wishing she had an old-school handset that she could slam down. That must have been a satisfying era to have fights over the phone in.
“You can follow me,” a nurse motioned as Prudence re-entered the building, leading them to a room off the long hallway.
Prudence rushed forward to Greyson after entering the room, raising a hand to his head but not quite touching him. Tears formed again in her eyes, spilling over this time when she took his hand.
The doctor stood aside, watching, then turned. “You must be Gabe?” he asked the man still in the doorway.
“Yes, I’m Greyson’s brother.”
Dr. Simmons turned back to Prudence. “And your wife?” He looked pointedly between the two.
Prudence could feel her face immediately flame up. “We’re just friends, Doctor.”
“Ah,” Dr. Simmons said wisely. “Well, good news. I don’t see any indication of anything other than a concussion. If I thought there was any bleeding I’d send him to Amherst for a scan, but his pupils are the same size and dilating correctly, and he’s awake and alert. He’s going to have that bump for several days, but there’s also no external bleeding, so it didn’t break the skin, which is a good sign.”
“Thank God.” Prudence breathed.
“That’s great news, thanks, Doctor.” Gabe sat in the chair next to Greyson’s bed. “I had a concussion in college and I was told not to sleep for twenty-four hours. Is that still the same?”
Dr. Simmons smiled. “Concussion protocol has changed since then. He’ll be able to sleep, however in the first two hours he’ll need to be woken up every fifteen minutes. For the two hours after, wake him every thirty minutes, then just once an hour after that until he’s awake for the morning.”
“I’ll be staying with him,” Prudence offered, squeezing Greyson’s hand before letting go.
Dr. Simmons reached out to Greyson and shook his hand. “I think you’ll be in good hands, Mr. Atwood.” He winked then turned to leave the room, stopping to talk with the nurse.
After he’d left, Gabe stood and sighed. “You had us worried there, Greyson.”
“I’m okay, guys. I’ve been doing my own stunts for years. It’s not the first time I’ve hit my head.” He pondered for a moment. “But I think this is the only time I’ve ever lost consciousness. That was a little scary.”
Prudence reached over and moved a lock of Greyson’s hair off his forehead, and he winced when she inadvertently touched the lump on his head.
She turned to the nurse. “Is there anything we can give him for the pain?”
The nurse nodded. “Tylenol is the best thing for him, alternating hot and cold on his other bruises will help, too. Other than that, you’re free to go, Mr. Atwood. Take your time. Dr. Simmons would like to see you in a few weeks for a follow-up.”
Greyson glanced at Prudence. “I’m not sure I’ll be here that long, but I’ll call and set an appointment if I am.”
“I’ll call Nadia if you give me her number,” Prudence offered after the nurse left.
“Oh, she already knows,” Greyson said.
“What?” Gabe and Prudence asked in unison. “How on earth would she know?” Prudence added.
“That lady has her ways. I’ve been trying to figure them out for years. You know that script she wants me to read that Samantha Crane is attached to? I forgot it in California, and it somehow showed up at the commercial set today, delivered by a courier in a black unmarked sedan. And Simon had the Lithica licensing way sooner than he should have. It’s like Nadia knew the commercial would happen, too.”
“I know you play the spy in movies, Grey, but it’s really Nadia that has all the moves. Or you’re just paranoid.” Gabe started to gather Greyson’s belongings. “Let’s get you home before you get more crazy ideas.”
“Do you need help walking?” Prudence offered.
“That’s okay.” Greyson groaned as he sat. He touched his right shoulder, rotating it around. “Maybe a little. I hit that ground hard.”
“I’ve got you, bro.”
“I’m going to go and let you get dressed.” Prudence backed toward the door. I’ve got to get some things from my house, then I’ll meet you over there.”
Greyson caught Prudence’s eye before she left. “Thanks, Pru, this really means a lot.”
Chapter Fourteen