Page 50 of Yours, Always
“Are you going to try to figure out what her secret ingredient is?” Greyson put a comforting arm around Prudence. “I could charm it out of her, I’m sure.”
“Even your charm has its limits, Grey. Anyway, it would end up being something like soy sauce, or Worcestershire sauce. Gross.”
“We’ll try again next year. At least we’ll have fun making it,” he said, kissing her.
Prudence felt surprise at this statement but didn’t get a chance to ask him about it as Annabelle walked over to them. “Get a room, you two,” she teased.
Greyson pulled back from Prudence, smiling at Annabelle. “Did you get any trade secrets from Mrs. Crenshaw?”
“Nope, she’s as tight-lipped as always about her recipe. I don’t think she’ll ever spill, although she did tell me she has a special case for all her trophies.”
“I’m going to grab some coffee. Did you guys want any?” Greyson asked.
“No thanks, I’m good.” Annabelle shook her head.
“I’ll just have some water, please.” Prudence squeezed his hand before he walked away.
Annabelle and Prudence stood in silence for a moment, watching Greyson weave his way across the crowded community center.
“Wow, so that’s it, huh?” Annabelle wondered. “You guys finally got it together?”
“Oh, AB, we got it together so many times, you have no idea.”
“I figured that when I didn’t hear from you last night, something was going down.”
“An apt choice of words, Annabelle.”
“Tell me more,” Annabelle whispered conspiratorially.
Prudence scanned the room and saw that Greyson had been stopped and was talking to someone. “We barely made it through the front door the first time.”
“The first time?” Annabelle wondered with glee.
“Then we didn’t make it out of my room the rest of the day.” Prudence could feel herself glowing. “I never knew it could be like that. So perfect and…well, perfect.”
Annabelle grinned. “I knew it. When you two finally got together, I knew it would be magic,” she said, watching Greyson walk back over to their group. “Hey, Terminator, I hear congratulations are in order.”
Greyson pulled Prudence close to him. “I’ve been gone for two minutes, and you’ve told her everything?”
Prudence blushed. “Well, not everything. Just the highlights.”
Greyson scoffed. “Just the highlights? I’d like to think the whole night was a highlight.”
Annabelle held up a hand. “Tell me no more. I’m just so happy for you two, I knew you’d make it in the end.”
“I can’t believe it took so long, but I’m really happy where we’re at now.” Greyson turned serious. “Thanks for helping, AB. I know what you did at the maze. It seems foolish to think about it now, but we needed that little push.”
“You guys are my best friends and you’ve been destined for each other since I could remember. I’m happy that I could play a part in your love story, truly I am.” She shook her head, clearly flustered that her emotions showed. Then her eyes narrowed, and she asked in a lowered voice, “Greyson, is that Greer Connelly fromPersonmagazine?”
Greyson slowly started to scan the room, and Prudence could tell by the expression on his face that he was concerned. “Don’t react, but there are a lot of celebrity reporters here.”
“No reaction from me. I’ve gotta go anyway.” Annabelle turned to the door. “Need to get this article ready for the Beetomorrow. The prince regent decided we’re going to have a print edition every day of the Fall Festival.”
“Wow, that’s actually surprising. I didn’t think he cared about any of this.” Prudence waved her hand around the room.
“Oh, he doesn’t. All he sees are dollar signs and the print editions this week are selling out. I’ll see you guys downtown tomorrow for the wine tasting.” Annabelle left, rambling on about the unfairness of her additional workload on her way out.
“What do you think about those two?” Greyson mused.