Page 25 of Forever Yours
“What brought on the change of heart?” Gabe asked. “It wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain tiny reporter that’s also going?”
“Nah, man. I was going to go before I knew Winters was.” He saw the doubt on the brothers’ faces. “I’m serious. We can work on the proposal for the building purchase. But do me a favor and don’t tell Winters? I want to see the look on her face when I show up.”
“How awkward is this weekend going to get?” Gabe wondered aloud.
Sebastian turned a speculative eye to Gabe. “Is Devlin going as well?”
Gabe’s heart skittered at the thought of spending the weekend in complete seclusion with Devlin. And four other people. But…Devlin.
Leo came back out with the to go box and handed it to Sebastian then took one look at Gabe’s face. “Were you guys talking about Devlin again?”
“Leo, you’re fired.” Gabe wasn’t sure if he was joking or not.
“Hey, man, no harm no foul.” Leo looked to the other two men. “You were though, weren’t you?”
Gabe pushed Leo back toward the kitchen then motioned for Sebastian to go. “No lunch for you, but that’ll get cold if you don’t get it to AB soon.”
Sebastian put on his coat and walked to the door, snagging a fork on the way. “It won’t have time to get cold if I eat it all on the way back.” A cheeky smile crossed his face as he pushed out of the door.
“I think we should bring more whiskey,” Greyson stated.
“All of the whiskey,” Gabe agreed.
A regular in the corner held up a glass, indicating a refill was needed. Gabe poured a beer and motioned to Greyson that he’d be right back. Greyson nodded, his mouth full of a bite of steak sandwich. It gave Gabe a few much needed moments to consider the possibility of Devlin being at the cabin this weekend. It had been just a day since they’d gone shopping and he’d hoped he’d have a break from his senses being inundated by her until at least after the proposal to town council was due.
“Never mix business with pleasure,” Greyson prophesized as Gabe got back to the bar.
“How on earth do you know what I’m thinking about?”
“You get this dreamy expression, like you’re having a waking daydream.”
“I do not get dreamy.”
“Well, no wonder Leo knows when you’ve got Devlin on your mind.”
“I hadn’t seen her in so long and it seems like we’re together all the time now. I didn’t get to ask you. Did you know that Pru set me up?”
“She make you take the fall for the bank heist? You know, that was a plot in my movie—”
“Be serious, Grey. Did you know she was going to send Devlin in her place when we went shopping the other morning?”
“I one hundred percent did,” Greyson said, without a hint of remorse. “She told me after you talked that she was going to somehow get Devlin there, that way you’d have to see each other.”
“Why are you two meddling in my personal life? If I want to see Devlin I will.” Gabe pushed aside the contentment he’d felt being with Devlin yesterday, more annoyed now that Greyson and Prudence thought they had the right to interfere like this.
“I don’t think Pru saw it as meddling. She knows both of you will be in the wedding party and she just wants to make sure things are the least amount of awkward.”
A flash of Devlin in a flowy white dress pinged through Gabe’s mind once again.
“I think we’re going to have to worry about Sebastian and Annabelle more than anything,” Gabe pointed out. “Those two can’t be in the same room without combusting. I can see either of them sabotaging the other while they’re walking down the aisle, oblivious to the havoc they’d be wreaking.”
“I’ll take care of that, don’t you worry. No one is going to ruin that day for Prudence. I won’t sit around and let it happen, I’ll act. You know what they say about idle hands?” Greyson asked.
They said in unison, “They’re the devil’s playground—”
Gabe continued, “And I’m ready to climb all over you. FromThe Night You Didn’t Want to Die, I know.”
“My third Ben Stone movie. A classic. I’m glad you have my lines memorized. It means a lot to me.”