Page 10 of Shock & Awe
He pushed up to his knees to take his cock in hand and stroke himself through the rest of the orgasm. They both watched greedily as he came all over Kelly’s lower abs.
Kelly’s cock was pulsing, cum dripping down its side. He reached to finish himself off, but Nick batted his hand away and scooted down until he could lick that cum off and suck the head into his mouth. Kelly’s hand landed in his hair again, and he shoved up into Nick’s mouth as he shot the rest of his load down Nick’s throat.
When Kelly’s fingers finally loosened their grip, Nick collapsed beside him in the bed, gasping in time with Kelly’s gulps for air.
“Jesus fucking Christ, O’Flaherty,” Kelly finally stuttered.
“You hurt?”
“My fucking . . . mind. My mind is blown.”
Nick laughed weakly and sat up. “You want water?”
Kelly grabbed his arm, stopping him and pulling him off balance so he toppled back to his side. He gazed up into Kelly’s eyes in the harsh lamplight. Nick had always loved Kelly’s oddly colored eyes, but he’d never imagined he’d be looking into them like this.
“‘You don’t say his name, you say mine’?” Kelly repeated incredulously. “I almost came right then, where the fuck have you been hiding that?”
Nick grinned and rested on his elbow. “Oh God, Kels, what have we done here?”
“I don’t care. We’re exploring this further.” Kelly waved a finger in Nick’s face.
“Okay,” Nick agreed. He reached across Kelly’s body, bending to kiss him as he grabbed the bottle of painkillers off the bedside table. They continued the kiss as Nick popped the lid off the bottle, and Kelly moaned plaintively when Nick pulled away.
“Fucker,” Kelly muttered.
Nick broke one of the pills in half and offered one half to Kelly with a cheeky grin. “In place of a cigarette?”
Kelly took the pill, watching with narrowed eyes as Nick popped the other half in his mouth. They shared a bottle of water, laughing as they used one of the spare pillows to clean off.
As they were settling down to sleep, Nick began to build the pillow barrier between them again. Kelly reached out and stopped him.
“I think if I can handle what we just did, I can take it if you accidentally roll over in the middle of the night.”
Nick raised an eyebrow. “You sure?”
Kelly nodded and grinned. “Are you too butch to cuddle?”
Nick rolled his eyes and laid himself out, scooting closer to Kelly and resting his head in the crook of his arm. “We’ll discuss this tomorrow,” he muttered, closing his eyes and letting the exhaustion take over.
Kelly laughed, running his fingers through Nick’s hair. “Oh yeah, we will.”
Kelly woke when the warmth of the sun touched his face. He turned away from it, reaching out across the bed. His hand hit empty space, though, and he finally opened his eyes and raised his head.
“Irish?” he said, voice hoarse from sleep.
Nick was gone, though, and his side of the bed was cold under Kelly’s fingers. Kelly struggled to sit, using the covers and the mattress to pull himself up.
“Loved me and left me. Typical O’Flaherty,” Kelly muttered. He probably should have been a nervous wreck waking up alone after last night, especially since Nick was a proven flight risk when it came to relationships. But then he glanced at the clock on the table out of habit and saw a note there instructing him to call for help if he needed it. He smiled at Nick’s blunt, no-frills handwriting. His pills were lined up for him, and a glass of water sat within arm’s reach.
He managed to drag himself out of bed and make it to the bathroom without too much trouble. Wiping his stomach clean with a damp rag and brushing his teeth was all the effort he put into his appearance, though.
He was wiping some other guy’s spunk off his stomach. Jesus. It wasn’t just some other guy, either. It was Nick. It was his best friend. It was his best friend he’d always thought was straight until a year ago. What did that even fucking mean for him? Could Kelly still call himself straight? Was he gay now? God, he hoped Nick had some answers for him because Nick was the only person he could think of to even ask these things.
He turned to examine himself in the mirror. “Really?” he whispered to his reflection. He nodded and began to grin without meaning to. “Okay then. You stupid asshole.”
He pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a ragged T-shirt, but he had to sit on the end of the bed and rest after he was dressed. He was hard-pressed not to laugh at himself. Too weak to dress himself without a breather, but not too fucking weak to beg his best friend to fuck him.
He caught sight of the pajama bottoms he’d been wearing last night, crumpled at the foot of the bed where he’d kicked them. His stomach fluttered, and again he was surprised by the reaction. Nick had been good. Very good. Jizz-in-your-pants good. Everything about it had been good, and Kelly was shockingly okay with that. What made him kind of want to throw up was wondering how Nick was taking it.