Page 32 of Shock & Awe
Ty tapped Nick’s knee. “Do you really want him left behind knowing you did this? It can wait until we get back.”
“Just stop talking, Beaumont,” Nick grunted. “You’re like the Bermuda Triangle of morals.”
Zane snorted and covered it with a cough.
“Fine, be that way,” Ty said. “Go be a goddamn white knight.”
“Will he even be angry at all?” Zane asked quietly. “Is Kelly capable of being angry?”
Nick was silent, watching Kelly. He really only had two options. He could man the fuck up and tell Kelly what he’d done, risking his anger here at the eleventh hour. Or he could keep it to himself, working on the logic that Kelly legitimately wouldn’t have been recalled anyway. Nick’s actions probably had nothing to do with it. But he’d go off to war with the nagging feeling that he was a coward and a horrible friend.
He pushed to his feet before he could talk himself out of it, striding to meet Kelly and Owen as they approached the lounge area. Owen greeted him with a sedate hug. Nick took Kelly’s arm and held on as Owen headed for Ty and Zane.
“You okay?” Kelly asked when Nick didn’t let go of him.
“I have something I need to tell you.”
Kelly glanced at the others and Nick did the same. Owen shook Zane’s hand before settling onto the floor beside Ty. Nick found it harder to breathe, but he took Kelly by both shoulders and turned him to face him to make him focus.
“Just be quiet until I finish saying this.”
“If this is your way of professing your undying love for me, you need some work on your technique,” Kelly drawled.
“I’m the reason you didn’t get recalled with us,” Nick said in a quiet rush.
Kelly’s smile fell and he straightened. “What?”
Nick told him what he’d done in New Orleans, and why he’d done it. “I saw a chance to keep one of us from going back over there, and I took it. I was trying to . . . save you.”
Kelly gaped, finally tearing his eyes away from Nick to glance at the others, who were now watching them. He took a step back, jerking out of Nick’s grasp.
“Kels, I—”
“How the hell could you do this?” Kelly shouted. He shoved at Nick’s shoulder and almost immediately grabbed for his chest, hunching with the pain he’d obviously forgotten would come.
Nick reached to steady him. Kelly swatted at his hand again but Nick gripped his elbow hard and held on, refusing to be pushed away. “I’m sorry,” he said, repeating it again and again as Kelly tried to shove him away.
A hand landed on Nick’s shoulder, and Owen and Ty were there with them, pulling them apart. Ty gripped Nick’s elbows, restraining him. Owen held Kelly’s waist to keep him upright, thinking he’d overworked himself and was about to collapse. But Kelly growled and lashed out, catching Nick’s chin with his fist before Owen could pull him away.
Nick and Ty both tumbled to the ground.
“Jesus Christ,” Ty grunted. He released Nick immediately, giving him the chance to defend himself. Nick didn’t move, though.
Kelly stood with his hands on his knees, breathing hard and hanging his head. Owen hovered beside him, a hand on Kelly’s back, looking supremely confused.
“What the fuck is going on?” Digger shouted. He stood a few feet away, his seabag on his shoulder.
“Jesus Christ, that really hurt,” Kelly gasped. He straightened carefully, holding his chest. “I feel better now.”
Digger dropped his bag and helped Ty and Nick to their feet.
“Did that hurt?” Kelly asked Nick.
Nick rubbed his jaw, nodding. “Little bit, yeah.”
“Good,” Kelly huffed.
He grabbed for Nick’s shoulder, catching the material of his shirt and pulling him closer with it. Relief washed through Nick as Kelly hugged him. He rested his chin on Kelly’s shoulder and held him tight.