Page 10 of Cross & Crown
best. Useless. “They been cal ing you John Doe?”
“Yeah, it’s . . . it’s a name, I guess.”
“Yeah, I can see that getting old fast. Listen, all the John
Does I ever knew were already dead, so how about I call you
JD? That work for you?”
He nodded and gave Nick a tired smile. “Yeah. Yeah, that
Nick was silent for a moment, studying the man. He
looked even more worn than he had at the crime scene
yesterday. Under that, Nick could see the fear. “Has anyone
offered you coffee? Something to eat?”
“I had a bagel. Don’t have much appetite.”
“Okay.” Nick put both elbows on the table. “You
remember anything new? Anything at al ?”
“No, Detective, I’m sorry. The doctors said I have
amnesia caused by the trauma. Physical or mental, they
couldn’t say. They also couldn’t say when or if my memory
would return. They said amnesia was a very case-by-case
type of thing, so . . . it might all come rushing back, or it
might come back in pieces. Or it might not at all. Ever.”
“Wow. That’s rough.”
JD laughed bitterly. He twisted his fingers and nodded.
Nick was having a hard time reading him, something
he was usually pretty good at. JD’s exhaustion was masking
everything else. Nick gave it a minute or so of silence, waiting to see if the man would begin to fidget or talk. But JD merely
sat there, watching his hands, occasionally glancing up to
meet Nick’s eyes.
Nick finally gave up on that tactic. He tapped the file in
front of him. “Even though you don’t remember anything,