Page 14 of Cross & Crown
Detective Hagan and a uniform are going to stay with you
tonight,” Nick answered as he led JD out of the room.
“Is this going to be your case, Detective? I mean . . . you’re
the one who’ll be working it?”
“That’s right, me and my partner.” Nick stopped and
turned to face JD. They were almost the same height, but
JD was thinner and more compact. He took a tiny step back
when Nick faced him, like he was intimidated. Nick tried to
give him a reassuring smile, but he knew himself well enough
to know that when he smiled, it rarely reassured anyone. “I’ll
figure this out, man. I promise.”
JD sat with his hands on the table, folded over each other.
He played with his fingers as he took in his surroundings.
Nick got the feeling that he was used to having something on
or in his hands to mess with. A ring, maybe. There was no
mark, though, no cal uses to give evidence of anything being
worn there recently.
JD’s eyes strayed to the memorabilia along the brick
walls of the pub as he continued to fidget. Nick tried not to
watch him too closely. He knew the scrutiny would make him
nervous, and JD already had enough nervous energy to power
a small appliance.
Nick supposed he couldn’t blame the guy, though. He
looked away, trying to find something else to focus on for a
His eyes followed a waitress as she walked by, and his gaze
landed right back on JD once she was gone. He had stopped
moving, and his narrowed eyes were raking over the wall next
to him. The lines around his mouth had relaxed.