Page 142 of Cross & Crown
“What happened?” Hagan demanded.
“Order up an unmarked, we’re going for a ride,” Nick said.
He took JD by the elbow and led him toward the door.
Kelly hurried to right the chair Nick had left in his wake,
then shrugged in response to Hagan’s questioning look and
jogged after his lover. He caught up to them in the stairwell.
“What’s going on, what happened?” JD kept asking.
“New evidence,” Nick snarled. “Need you to walk us
through something.”
JD’s eyes were still wide and confused, but he was smart
enough to stay quiet. Even Kelly kept his mouth shut until
they were in the parking lot.
“Nick,” he finally demanded, and he grabbed at Nick’s
elbow. He turned him until they were facing each other,
trying to make Nick look into his eyes and realize he was
spiraling out of control. Kelly didn’t want to divert the spiral, because he was of the opinion that JD needed to see what he
was messing around with if he was faking. But he didn’t want
to be left behind, either. “Where are we going, and what do
you want us to do?”
Nick’s eyes darted over Kelly’s face, then to Julian, who
was silently following along. “You two follow us in my car.”
Kelly nodded and let him go.
Hagan held up the keys to the unmarked sedan he’d
requisitioned, and Kelly stood aside and watched Nick shove
JD into the backseat and slam the door.
Julian clucked his tongue, then sauntered over to the
Range Rover. But Kelly remained rooted to the spot for
another few seconds. Nick hated being lied to, despised it
with more passion than anything, even the New York Yankees.