Page 227 of Cross & Crown
“I want to go home,” Nick grunted.
Kelly strolled into the room, nodding to placate him.
“Soon. Get a little more blood in you first, huh?”
Nick didn’t say anything. He reached out when Kelly got
close, grabbed a handful of his hair, and pulled him into a
ruthless kiss. He left Kelly panting when their lips parted, and Nick closed his eyes, sighing as if he’d been holding his breath until he could get Kelly into his hands.
Kelly took him by both shoulders and forced him to
recline. “Faster you get this over with, faster we’ll go home.
Nick nodded, his eyes staying closed.
Kelly sat on the edge of his bed, reading the medications
labels, trying to just be a worried lover rather than a worried SARC for once. He leaned over Nick and pressed his
forehead to Nick’s, closing his eyes. He didn’t know how long
they stayed that way, but when a PA came in to check Nick’s
stitches and vitals, it was dark outside.
Despite the doctor’s advice, Nick demanded that he be
allowed to go home, claiming Kelly was perfectly capable of
keeping an eye on him overnight. They had no choice but to
let him check himself out, and Kelly knew Nick too well to
argue against it.
Kelly helped him to his feet, and Nick hugged him close,
pressing his face against Kelly’s cheek. “Take me home,” he
Kelly nodded jerkily. He wrapped his arm around Nick’s
waist, letting him rest some weight on him as he helped him
over to the wheelchair.
Once Nick was in the passenger seat of the Range Rover,
Kelly hopped behind the wheel. Nick was silent on the drive
home, keeping his eyes shut as Kelly struggled with the GPS.