Page 6 of Cross & Crown
suspect? “Either way, if he’s a perp or he’s a witness, he’ll need someone on him,” he finally said.
Hagan patted Nick’s shoulder. “Great. You go break the
news to him, I’m going to get some coffee.”
Nick glared after his partner as the man lumbered off
toward the nurses’ station. He took a deep breath to steady
himself. It wasn’t his first case back since his surgery, but it was his first case back from behind a desk. He hadn’t been dealing
with people lately so much as paperwork.
The witness looked up when Nick approached, and tried
to straighten his shoulders, but they slumped again, probably
under the weight of his injury and exhaustion.
Nick’s heart went out to him, and he had to fight to keep
his attitude professional. “I’m going to have this officer stay with you in the hospital until they release you. Keep an eye on you. Then he’s going to bring you the station to talk with us a little more. That sound okay?”
The man nodded, then winced and brought his hand up
to his bandage. “You think I’m in danger?”
Nick chewed on his lip for a second. “It’s a real possibility,
I won’t lie.”
“It’s also a possibility I shot those people, isn’t it?”
Nick stared at him, shocked again by the man’s strange
mix of perception and vulnerability. “That is also a possibility, yes.”The witness rubbed a trembling hand over his face. Nick
placed a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to offer comfort.
The man reached up and gripped his fingers hard. He didn’t
raise his head or say anything. He just seemed to need the
“It’ll be okay,” Nick whispered. “We’ll figure this out.”
“So, we got the shopkeeper’s daughter coming in to try
to ID the body,” Hagan told Nick, returning from the station
break room with two cups of coffee. They’d been partners for
almost three years and Hagan still couldn’t remember that