Page 60 of Cross & Crown
Nick flopped a folder on the break room table and
gestured for JD to sit with them. “Okay, I’m going to show
you some pictures—just hold them up and then set them
down. You don’t say anything, just let them sink in, okay?”
JD nodded, glancing between them uneasily.
Nick opened the folder and took the top photo. He held
it for a few seconds, then laid it on the side of the pile. He
went through several more, and Kelly focused on JD’s eyes.
Whenever he thought he saw a glimmer of recognition or a
reaction of any sort, he would tap Nick’s thigh beneath the
table and Nick would lay that photo sideways.
When they got through the whole pile, Nick separated
them, taking only the photos he’d set down sideways. “Okay,”
he said to JD, still smiling warmly. “This time if you get
anything, let us know. Okay?”
Nick held up the first few photos. Kelly couldn’t see
what they were, but as he watched JD’s face, he could see
the man struggling to remember. He’d figured out what they
were doing. He knew the photos in this second round were
somehow more important than the first. Kelly’s heart went
out to him. He looked so lost and frustrated.
On the fifth photo, JD held his hand out. “Stop,” he said
Nick froze, holding the photo up as JD stared at it.
“I’ve seen that,” JD whispered. He plucked the photo
from Nick’s fingers and scowled at it. “This feels familiar to
me. I know I’ve seen this before. What is this?”
Nick glanced at Kelly, and suddenly he looked grim. He