Page 64 of Cross & Crown
know how to get in touch with him. I assume he just shows
up when he smells blood.”
“How about Grady? You think he’d know?”
“Hell no. Ty spits nails when you mention Cross’s name.
He says Cross stole his kitties.”
“That’s what I figured,” Nick said with a sigh. “That’s why
I called you.”
“Is it?” Zane asked pointedly.
Kelly tensed and couldn’t stop himself from glancing
toward the framed photo of their team, Ty’s arm around
Nick’s shoulders as they smiled. The state of Nick and Ty’s
fracturing friendship was a topic only the bravest of men
would touch on. Zane had balls of brass to do it.
Kelly cleared his throat and leaned closer to the phone.
“We figured with your Bureau contacts, you’d be the better
source. Since Ty is all . . . wild card now.”
“Right,” Zane said wryly.
“You got a lead on Cross, or no?” Nick asked, his words
more clipped than they had been.
“No. Want me to put out some feelers? Or get Ty on it?
Please God, let me put Ty on it, he needs something to do
besides remodeling that damn building.”
“No. Fuck no. I don’t want Cross to know I’m coming.”
“If you’re looking for him, he already knows.”
“Right. Hey, thanks Garrett. We’ll talk to you later.”
Nick ended the call and slammed his hand onto the desk.
“Damn it!”
“That mean Cross is a dead end?” Kelly asked gently.
“For now. Next thread.” Nick tapped the evidence photos