Page 73 of Cross & Crown
“What happened?” Kelly demanded.
“I lost him!” Nick snapped.
“Was it the shooter?” Hagan asked.
“I don’t think so.”
“Then why’d you chase him down?” Hagan asked.
Nick sighed heavily and shrugged at Kelly. “You know the
holes in my boat?” he asked Hagan.
“Yeah, but it still floats.”
“Right. That was the guy. Cross. I’ve seen him twice now,
once at the murder scene, and just now. He’s up to something.”
Hagan flopped his arms dramatically. “Why is the CIA
robbing a bookstore in Boston?”
“Are . . . are you saying I might be CIA?” JD asked
“No,” Nick and Hagan both said at the same time.
“I thought Cross got out of the game,” Kelly said. “Why’s
he back in it?”
Nick shook his head and lowered it a little, like a bull
preparing to charge. His jaw tightened and his nostrils flared.
Kelly tensed, like he might need to talk Nick down from
something. He rarely needed to, because Nick’s control of his
temper was near legendary. But when he did . . . Kelly had
put him on his back a few times to keep him from hurting
“Cross wasn’t the one taking shots at our witness, so let’s
worry about him later and get JD somewhere safe,” Nick
finally said through gritted teeth.
“This place have a back door?” Kelly asked.
Hagan indicated for them to follow him. Nick shrugged