Page 88 of Cross & Crown
up to join Julian and Kelly in the salon. They were sitting
opposite each other, both of them unblinking, both of them
smirking slightly.
Nick put his hands on his hips and took a deep breath
to get control of his temper. “Okay,” he said finally. “Julian
Cross, this is Kelly Abbott. He kicked your ass once and he’ll
do it again.”
“Again. I wasn’t fighting back,” Julian reminded. He
looked Kelly up and down. “Although he does seem quite
formidable for his stature.”
“Whatever,” Nick said, knowing that nothing Julian
could say would ruffle Kelly’s feathers. He sat in the chair
beside Kelly and leaned both elbows on his knees, waiting for
Julian to begin talking.
“Do you know who you have in that cabin downstairs?”
Julian finally asked.
“No. Do you?”
“No, unfortunately.”
Disappointment spiked hard before Nick could get
control of it. He had been resting a lot of hope on Julian
being able to shed some light on this. “Okay,” he said through
gritted teeth. “So what do you know?”
Julian clucked his tongue. “I know what they’re after.”
Nick and Kelly waited, staring at Julian as he grinned
at them.
“Well, what are you waiting for here, dude, dramatic
music?” Kelly finally blurted. “What the hell are they after?”
Julian looked a little annoyed that they hadn’t enjoyed
the theatrics. He sat back and pulled his coat away, showing