Page 29 of Caught Running
Successfully getting Jake to follow, Brandon’s breathing picked up as his arousal returned in full force. He swallowed and licked his lips. “Didn’t say anything about getting clean,” he taunted before turning and jogging across the parking lot to the doors leading inside.
Jake growled under his breath and looked left and right, assuring himself that no one was left in the back of the campus before starting off across the lot after Brandon. Was he actually considering doing something on the school grounds? Yes. Yes, he was. The fact that they could easily be caught seemed to only make it more arousing.
Brandon pushed through the double doors and made directly for the visitors’ locker room, turning at the door to wait, just long enough to see if Jake would continue to follow. He had no idea how he thought they could do this—this, whatever it would be. More kisses? And more, he suspected and hoped. And right here at school. Dear God, hewasa total slut. He swept into the locker room and checked around, making sure it was empty. Jake stalked in after him, trusting that Brandon had clearedthe room ahead of him, and he grabbed Brandon as soon as he stepped through the door and kissed him hungrily.
The heat flared out of control and Brandon clutched at Jake. The only thing that would have made it more intense would have been Jake pushing him against the lockers. And he wasn’t sure that still wouldn’t happen.
Jake knew on a basic level that they couldn’t fuck in here. But holy hell, that was what he wanted just then. He let his hands travel over Brandon’s body shamelessly as he kissed him and it just wasn’t enough. He yanked at Brandon’s jersey, hearing a seam rip somewhere and not caring as he continued to pull at it and kiss the man messily. It still wasn’t enough, and he pushed Brandon toward the nearest hard surface, slamming him brutally against the empty bulletin board.
Brandon thought he’d died and gone to heaven when his back hit the wall and his choked cry of approval was lost in Jake’s voracious mouth. He could feel the coach’s hands all over him, and Brandon wanted to do the same. His fingers dug into the waistband to drag Jake’s jersey and Under Armour free so he could slide his hands up onto hot skin.
Jake growled in response, pushing Brandon harder against the wall and sliding his hands up the man’s body to tangle in his hair. Brandon wailed softly and clutched at him, spreading his legs to a wider stance so Jake could push closer. And Jake did, insinuating himself between Brandon’s spread legs and growling ferally as he reached down to hitch Brandon up off the ground. He pressed him against the wall hard, holding him up more with the force of his body than with any strength in his arms.
“Oh God, yes,” Brandon hissed, head thrown back as he held onto Jake’s shoulders and wrapped his long legs around him, and he moaned aloud as their groins rammed together.He spared a thankful prayer for neither of them wearing a cup today and squeezed his legs tighter.
“Wildcat,” Jake teased breathlessly as he licked at Brandon’s neck and nipped at the tender skin.
Brandon laughed desperately, moving to catch Jake’s face between his hands and dropping his head to kiss him, unable to get enough of the taste of him. It was as if that first tentative kiss had unleashed all the longing and desire inside Brandon, and now it was boiling over uncontrollably. Jake groaned into the kiss, a plaintive sound that spoke of the desire to get Brandon naked and in bed with lube and condoms so he could do all kinds of dirty things to him.
Lips sliding apart, Brandon dove back in, sliding his tongue over teeth into Jake’s mouth to tangle with his tongue. It was sloppy and hurried and hot and Brandon couldn’t imagine it being any different. He was pinned against the wall with Jake grinding against him, and it was the best he’d felt in he couldn’t remember when. A goddamn wet dream come true. He pulled back, panting. “We staying here or not?” he rasped.
“I dunno,” Jake panted in answer, “I can’t think. What are you thinking?” he asked breathlessly before diving back in for another kiss.
Brandon’s words disappeared into Jake’s mouth before they pulled apart again. “Jesus, can’t think of anything but you,” he swore, biting his lip and moaning as Jake rubbed against him again.
Jake moved back slightly and eased Brandon back to his feet. His hands began to tug at Brandon’s belt, easily getting it loose and unfastening the pants underneath. “We’ll go back to the house,” he breathed as he pushed Brandon’s pants down, then slid his hands under the man’s briefs and began to push them down as well. “As soon as we take care of this,” he murmured, wrapping long fingers around Brandon’s erection.
Brandon choked on a gasp as a strong hand covered him, and his eyes rolled back into his head. “Jake, damn!” he hissed, jerking helplessly into his fist as he clung to the taller man’s shoulders. Any remaining lucid thought dissipated.
“Keep your feet,” Jake ordered in his coach’s voice as he began to sink in front of Brandon. Brandon’s eyes flew open, huge, and all he could do was whimper. Jake’s knees hit the cheap locker room carpet, and he gripped each of Brandon’s hips with his hands and looked up at the man. Without waiting for any sort of response he pulled slightly at Brandon’s hips and opened his mouth wide, letting the motion essentially force Brandon to thrust into his mouth.
“Unnghhh!” was Brandon’s response as his head banged back against the cork board. This was so far above and beyond what he’d ever imagined that he was swiftly losing control—this was going to be embarrassingly short. But fuck all if he cared! He was gonna go off like a fucking rocket at this rate. “Jake...” he gasped, voice deep and needy.
Jake smiled around the man’s cock and plunged his head deeper. His hope was that Brandon would come quickly, and he could drag him home and spend the rest of the night doing more unseemly things to him. He also gave a passing thought to wishing he had locked that door when he’d come in, but soon he was overpowered by the erotic joy of sliding his tongue around the head of the man’s cock. He hummed long and loud and wrapped his arms around Brandon’s hips.
“Jesus!” Brandon yelled before slapping one hand to his mouth, biting on the heel of his hand as he thrust forward. Almost ... almost ... The world spun around him, and the only thing holding him down was Jake. The orgasm threatened suddenly and he pawed at the other man’s shoulders. “Jake—Jake!” he tried to warn.
The rasping calls only spurred Jake on, and he lifted up slightly, tilting his head and sucking as he wrapped one hand around the base of Brandon’s cock.
Looking down at Jake was the wrong thing to do if Brandon wanted to stave off the explosion, and with a snap of his hips and a gasping mewl he came so hard he saw spots. It seemed to go on and on, and he had to remember how to breathe when it finally ended.
Jake swallowed as his fingers dug into Brandon’s hips. He was breathing heavily through his nose, and his heart was racing as his body throbbed needily. One last lick and he pulled his head back, looking up at Brandon in fascination as the man tried to regain his breath.
The cold air on his hot skin got Brandon’s attention, and he opened glazed eyes to peer down at Jake, speechless. He truly couldn’t string together two words at this moment, much less two sentences.
Jake grinned up at him and kissed his bare hip sloppily, then licked his lips and settled down on his heels. “You’re gonna have to help me up,” he told the man with a laugh.
Brandon stared at him blankly for a few seconds and managed a weak laugh. He braced his ass against the wall and leaned over to slide an arm under each of Jake’s to help him to his feet.
Jake took the opportunity as soon as he was on his feet to fall into Brandon’s arms, pressing him against the wall again and kissing him roughly. He wanted more, but he knew waiting until they at least got to his house would be well worth the five minutes it would take to get there. He hoped it would, anyway, because it was very plausible that he wouldn’t make it that far.
Totally pliant, Brandon relaxed completely against Jake, smiling against the mouth that practically ravaged his. Replete, he purred and rubbed against the coach sinuously.
Jake groaned wantonly and gripped Brandon tighter. “I can’t fuck you here,” he practically whined.
Brandon would have fallen over right then and there if it weren’t for Jake holding him up. “Then take me somewhere you can,” he urged, already reaching to pull up his briefs and pants. Jake continued to kiss him as he fumbled to help with his clothes, finally reaching down to yank his belt off so he wouldn’t have to deal with it.
“Come on,” he breathed as he grabbed Brandon’s hand and tugged him toward the door. “Whichever car’s closest, I don’t care,” he growled. “We’ll steal one if we have to,” he declared, pushing Brandon ahead of him through the door.