Page 26 of Stealing His Human
Nedrick nodded. “Well, I’m not folding your clothes, but I’ll take a look at these tents.” Heading toward the dented two-person one first, he asked, “So, Karissa ended up a little angry after I sent that text to Preall, and she did all this?”
Brett wished he could help, but he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. Instead, he sat there and watched through slitted eyelids as the others cleaned up camp and listened as Tabatha explained. It seemed Tyler kept his jaw clenched, and Brett could see his best friend biting his tongue each time he wanted to interject something not-so-nice.
“Yeah, after reading the text to us, Preall decided he had time for him and Trina to go to the store for more ice and food to grill before you came back,” Tabatha shared. Grimacing, she glanced between Brett and Nedrick before quickly shoving a pair of lacy underwear into her bag. “Um, once they left, Karissa started shouting about how she didn’t come up here to spend her time with a bunch of, uh, gay guys.” Her cheeks darkened as she shook her head. “Anyway, she got up in Tyler’s face, asking him if you were gay or if you were a real man.”
Grimacing, Brett cracked an eyelid and peered at his friend. “Bet you didn’t like that,” he muttered, seeing the dark look that crossed his best friend’s face.
Yeah, Tyler would have been pissed. Still seems to be.
“Anyway, long story short, when Tyler said it wasn’t his fault you decided you weren’t interested, Karissa turned on me and began screaming about me setting her up with a fag”—Tabatha lifted her hand in placation—”her words, excuse me.”
Nedrick scoffed. “I understand.”
“Tyler obviously came to my defense.” Tabatha smiled warmly at her man. “Telling her to back off.”
Scoffing, Tyler grumbled, “Her yelling at me is one thing. No one goes after you, baby.” After tossing a pair of his shorts into a bag, he reached over and squeezed Tabatha’s hand.
“So, Karissa started grabbing our bags and flinging our stuff everywhere.” Tabatha rolled her eyes and shook her head. “We stopped her before she could go through your stuff, Brett, and that’s why ours is everywhere.”
“Damn, I’m sorry about that,” Brett muttered, shaking his head. “I’m just not interested in her.”
“We get it, man.” Tyler smirked as he glanced Nedrick’s way where he was busy putting the two-person tent to rights. “Your interest has ended up... elsewhere.”
Nedrick turned and gave Brett a heated look, and he felt warmth start to creep up his neck.
Right. Elsewhere.
“Anyway, after she went after the tents, I gave her my car keys and told her to go home.” Tabatha shrugged. “That I’d have Bethany pick up my car from her. She grabbed her bag, roared out of here, and now”—she sighed deeply—”now I’m hoping my vehicle is in one piece when I get home.”
“Both Bethany and William will be waiting for her,” Tyler assured her. “Even if Karissa has a mind to do something to yourFocusonce she’s safely home, they won’t let her.”
Tabatha’s smile held obvious relief as she peered at Tyler. His friend reeled in his woman and planted one on her.
Brett allowed his eyelids to slide shut again.
Damn. I’m tired.
He’d just about drifted off to sleep in his chair when he heard Preall’s surprised voice say, “Damn. What happened here, guys? And where’s Karissa?”
Brett fell asleep to Tabatha sharing the story all over again.
“Brett, baby.”
Brett felt a hand cradle his jaw and scratch his scalp lightly, drawing him slowly from sleep.
“Come on, my mate,” Nedrick murmured into his ear. “You need to eat a little something so you can take your evening pills. Then you can go to your tent and sleep.”
Blinking open his eyelids, Brett met Nedrick’s warm smile. “Hey,” he muttered groggily. Seeing the evening shadows stretching across the area, Brett asked, “How long have I been out?”
“About two and a half hours now.” Nedrick massaged his nape lightly as he placed a paper plate on his lap. “It’s just a cheeseburger with mayo and ketchup. Tyler says you’re not a fan of mustard. Plain, I know, but it’ll be easy for you to hold with one hand.” Drawing away, Nedrick pointed to the right cup holder. “Get eating. Your water is there. I already cracked the seal so it’ll be easy for you to take off the lid. I’ll be right back with your meds.”
“Thanks, man,” Brett murmured, carefully picking up his burger.
Even without any extras, the burger tasted fantastic. It didn’t take him long to wolf it down. He hadn’t even realized he’d been so hungry, but then it occurred to him that he hadn’t eaten since breakfast.
“Do you want a second one?” Nedrick asked, holding out his pills.