Page 3 of Stealing His Human
Nedrick couldn’t argue with that. Hopping behind the wheel, he brought his vehicle to life. “Okay, Brett.” He smiled, enjoying the strong short name as it rolled off his tongue. With a glance over his shoulder, Nedrick put his vehicle into gear. “Let me know where to stop.”
Seeing Brett nod, Nedrick eased off the brake and started them along the one-way loop.
Reaching the end of that one, Brett pointed straight ahead. “We’re on that loop, near the back.”
Nedrick nodded and headed that way. “Out of curiosity,” he began, just because he wanted to hear Brett’s rich tenor once more. “If you’re back here, how’d you see me and my jack?”
Brett shrugged. “I was walking to the guard shack to see if the ranger had a jack in his truck. Spotted you with him.” He pointed again. “That’s us.”
Looking where Brett pointed, Nedrick immediately saw the olderGMC Envoywith the rear flat tire. The hatch door was raised, and it was obvious that Brett had been searching the interior. Nedrick barely resisted smirking because, really, why wouldn’t his mate have the jack with him? Especially since he was going into the mountains camping?
I’ll just thank Fate for that little oversight.
As they approached and slowed, Nedrick noticed three other people approaching from around a hatchbackFord Focus—two women and a man. A short-haired brunette had an arm wrapped proprietarily around the blond man’s waist, and he reciprocated with his arm around her shoulders. The second woman, a redhead with her hair piled on the top of her head in an artfully messy bun, looked over the occupants of hisJeepand immediately smiled welcomingly... at Brett.
The woman skip-bounced a couple of steps forward, then slowed as some random thought crossed her pretty features—as if catching herself. “Hey, Brett,” she greeted him, completely ignoring Nedrick and Rierdon as he parked hisJeep.Huh.Her smile could only be called flirty as she continued, “Any luck?”
Oh, hell, no.
Nedrick realized this woman was anything but subtle. If she wasn’t already dating Brett, she was angling to be.
Not going to happen.
Feeling his wolf growl in his mind, Nedrick completely agreed with his beast.
Or if they are dating, I’ll be putting a stop to it quick, fast, and in a hurry. Brett is mine.
“Hey, Karissa,” Brett greeted with a small smile of his own. As Nedrick shut off hisJeep, he couldn’t help but notice the way his mate scented a bit of appreciation as he eyed her—Karissa—while saying, “This is Ned and his friend, Rierdon. Ned has a jack I can borrow.”
“Awesome.” Karissa beamed a smile at Brett as if he were the second coming of Christ. “I knew you’d figure it out,” she gushed. Finally, Karissa turned her attention to Nedrick and Rierdon, her expression immediately changing almost to disinterest. “Thanks, guys. We sure appreciate it.” When Karissa turned her attention back to Brett, she grinned again. “Now we can go on that hike we talked about.”
“Yeah.” Brett rose from his seat and hopped over the side of theJeep. “That’s the plan.”
Nedrick followed in time to see Karissa latch both hands onto one of Brett’s arms and press her breasts to his chest. “It’ll be so much fun,” she gushed, peering up at him through her lashes. “I hear there’s a great scenic spot for a picnic.” Her voice lowered seductively. “And it’s secluded.”
Brett cleared his throat as he glanced around, looking decidedly uncomfortable.
“Well, uh.” Brett had to practically peel Karissa’s hands from his arm as he stated, “I better get my tire changed, then.”
Nedrick took that as his cue to head to the back of hisJeep. As he moved, he did his best to keep a muscle from ticking in his jaw.
“Keep your cool, man,” Rierdon urged, gripping his upper arm to get his attention. “We’ll help fix this, but you can’t go off half-cocked on this one.”
Knowing Rierdon was right, Nedrick jerked a nod. “Thanks, man.”
With that thought in mind and knowing his pack would help him, Nedrick began plotting on how to steal his human mate.
Chapter Two
After peeling Karissa’s hands from his upper arm, Brett Robinson barely fought back the urge to massage his bicep. The woman had been clutching way too tightly. Brett had never seen her act so overtly possessive.
We’re not even really a couple, yet. Geez. And why? I brought back a couple of guys.
Brett had taken Karissa out on two dates, each of the last two Friday evenings. According to Tyler—the buddy Brett was there camping with—Tyler’s girlfriend, Tabatha, had known Karissa for a couple of years. Evidently, Karissa had seen Brett’s picture on Tabatha’s phone and had wanted to meet him.
Brett had found it flattering. Plus, after seeing Karissa’s picture, he’d thought she was pretty. While he’d been a little worried about her living up to her red hair’s stigma, until right then, Brett hadn’t noticed any overly fiery personality.