Page 31 of Stealing His Human
“Well, damn,” Nedrick whispered before scoffing softly. To Brett’s surprise, he grinned widely at him. “I’m so going to give Preall shit over this.” Then his lips softened into a warm smile. “And then thank him.” Holding Brett’s gaze, Nedrick explained, “A shifter only gets one fated soul mate, which we simply call our mate. That person is the other half of our soul, and if we’re lucky enough to meet that person, we do everything in our power to care for and please that person. Yes, Trina is Preall’s mate, just as you are my mate.” After a second, Nedrick added, “A shifter recognizes that person by scent, and the drive to be with them, to connect with them and bond with them, is damn near irresistible.”
Nedrick seemed to be waiting for Brett to say something at that announcement, so he nodded. “Okay. Soul mate.” Mulling that for a few seconds, Brett took a sip of his beer. After swallowing, he refocused on Nedrick. “That explains the care Preall gives Trina and you to me. To bond. The scar.” Brett slowly talked it out, piecing it together. “You bond by biting and giving your partner a scar. Does that turn them into a shifter, too?”
“No,” Nedrick quickly replied. “You have to be born a shifter.” Then he winced. “Unless there are illegal government experiments involved.” Waving his hand, Nedrick quickly added, “But we won’t get into that.”
“Ooookay.” That didn’t sound good, and Brett wasn’t certain he wanted to know. Tapping his beer against the inside of his upturned knee, he asked, “So, what does this mean for me?”
After a deep breath, Nedrick began to explain. In halting fits and starts, the other man did his best to lay everything out to him, and there seemed to be a lot. He shared about bonding through sex, biting, and blood. Nedrick explained about increased healing, strength, and extended lifespan.
The news about how anonymity was a shifter’s greatest defense made perfect sense to Brett. People could be shit to those they perceived as different.
Just look at Karissa.
Nedrick told him about his wolf shifter pack, the hierarchy, and pack life. Brett was surprised to hear that Declan and Lark were actually the pack leaders. They’d seemed so laid back and down to earth. When Brett learned that wolf shifters were not alone—that there were not only many kinds of shifters out there but other paranormals, as well—he began to feel on information overload.
Through it all, Brett realized Nedrick hadn’t answered his most important question. “Hold up, Ned,” he murmured, waving his beer bottle—his second one of the afternoon—and the other man fell silent. His expression appeared worried, so Brett quickly asked, “I still need to know. What does this mean for me?”
After a second of hesitation, Nedrick quietly answered, “It means you’re the other half of my soul, Brett.” His features tightened, turning pensive as he eyed him. “I want to claim you, bond us, build a life together. You and me against the world with my pack at our back.”
Brett sat frozen for a few seconds, knowing he should have expected that answer. “And bonding is forever.”
Even though it wasn’t a question, Nedrick still nodded. Then, as if he was worried Brett would refuse, he stated, “I know humans often need a bit more time, so if you want to date, we can. It’s just—” He thrust his fingers through his hair and growled under his breath. “It’s just that. You wouldn’t be able to date anyone else. Shifters are a jealous lot, and I wouldn’t be able to handle scenting anyone else on you. I’d—”
“Hey, easy, easy.” Brett touched Nedrick’s upper arm, gaining his attention. Once Nedrick’s worried gaze was focused on him, he smiled at the other man. “Did you know, watching Preall and Trina together, they’re kinda my relationship goal?”
Nedrick cocked his head. “Huh?”
Brett scoffed, smiling and shaking his head. “I mean, I didn’t plan on looking for a relationship or partner or whatever until after finishing college, but what they have together’s definitely something special.” Seeing that Nedrick still wasn’t following, Brett shrugged. “Sure, it’s a little earlier than I’d intended, but I’ve really enjoyed our time together these last few days, and now I understand where it’s coming from and where it’s going. I’d be a damn fool not to grab onto this opportunity with both hands and hang on for all it’s worth.”
A hopeful look lit up Nedrick’s handsome features. “Really?”
And yeah, I can think that now. This man sitting before me is a damn fine man. And I can have him as a devoted lover for all time.
“Yeah, really,” Brett confirmed. “I’ve enjoyed spending time with you. I’vereallyenjoyed the way you touch me.” Offering a wry smile, he admitted, “You’ll find that, for the most part, I’m a pretty laidback, easy-going guy. I’ve wanted to figure out how to touch you back more than once but hadn’t worked up the nerve, but I’ll work on that.” With a shrug, Brett swept his gaze over Nedrick’s naked body and gave him a rakish grin. “Just because you’re a guy and not a girl doesn’t bother me. It just means I’m gonna have to learn a new skill-set is all.”
A second later, Nedrick tackled him.
Brett tumbled back on the blanket, a laugh falling from his lips. That died away when he found himself with a mouthful of Nedrick’s tongue. The other man delved deep, exploring him, dominating his mouth in sweeping strokes of his tongue.
Relaxing back, Brett happily accepted the ravishing. He moved his casted arm up and out of the way while threading the fingers of his right hand into Nedrick’s hair. Brett didn’t try to use the hold to take over the kiss. Instead, he relished the opportunity to sit back and enjoy the ride, flicking out his tongue and teasing his appendage against Nedrick’s. The other man tasted damn fine, and Brett could easily get on board with enjoying him for... well, as long as Nedrick’s Fates allowed.
Nedrick broke the kiss and began pressing hot, moist kisses along Brett’s jaw to his throat. He licked and nipped at that point where his neck met his shoulder, the place where Brett had seen other people with marks. Understanding slipped through Brett’s lust-clouded mind, and he knew that was where Nedrick longed to bite him. Tipping his chin to the side, Brett gave him more access, silently letting his forever shifter lover know he was okay with that.
Yeah, my shifter lover.
Huh. How about that.
Brett smiled, liking those thoughts very much.
The other man’s hands seemed to be everywhere, stroking his arms, his rib cage, his stomach. When Nedrick wrapped his fingers around Brett’s straining cock, he groaned and bucked. Brett slid his hand to Nedrick’s shoulder, doing his best to hang on as he tried to control the pleasure coursing through him.
He wasn’t certain how, but every time Nedrick touched him, his body felt as if it burned out of control.
Maybe that one word explained everything.
He and Nedrick were connected soul-deep, so everything was intensified.