Page 21 of He Loves Me Knot
Miranda:Did you at least get to shag him first?
Much as she usually appreciated Miranda’s sense of humor, something about it right now was . . . disheartening. She ignored it instead.
Liddy:I have no idea what I’m going to do.
Miranda:Can you file a claim with the airline?
Liddy:Technically, I gave it to him to hold, so they won’t do anything.
Miranda:Ooof. That’s awful.
Liddy:Yeah, it’s been the worst. Fortunately, Callum helped me talk to them. Did you know he speaks fluent Spanish? I caught a ride with him to the hotel.
Miranda:Wow,how did that come about?
Liddy:Idk, he just asked if I needed a ride. He was weirdly nice about the whole stolen dress thing.
Miranda:That *is* strange. So . . . what has he told you? Any interesting office gossip?
Liddy:Nothing. Once he started driving, his normal lack of conversational skills came back. Cat got his tongue, apparently.
Miranda:Eye roll. I’m sure he can do a lot with that tongue. He’s just an arsehole who thinks everyone who works for him isn’t worthy.
A phone ringing broke into her conversation and she glanced over as Callum picked it up. He frowned at the number on the screen, then answered. Actively lowering the volume on the side, he set it to his ear as though he didn’t want the speaker to be overheard.
That’s interesting.
“Hey there.”
Callum’s deep voice had always intrigued her. He had an English accent, but used more American slang and terms than the average Brit would—like a strange amalgam of an American and an Englishman. Or something. Maybe he’d just spent a lot of time with Americans.
“I’ve just arrived . . . yes . . . on my way.”
She snuck a look at his profile, and his eyes darted away from the road toward her. He shifted his body away slightly.
He’s clearly not happy with the thought of me eavesdropping.
Why am I not surprised?
Her gaze refocused on the windshield. Who might he be talking to? And why was he so discomforted?
“Look, we’ve been over this. This isn’t the time or the place for that. I’m only here for Quinn’s wedding?—”
A brief silence followed, as though he’d been interrupted, then he burst out, “Enough. I wish I could trust you not to bring it up again, but since I can’t, this conversation is over. See you shortly.” Callum hung up the line, tossing his phone into the console with a thud.
Ladies and gentlemen, the charming manners of Callum Scott.
A thick, awkward silence hung between them, and Liddy clasped her hands in her lap, unsure what to say.
Why did I decide to ride with him again?
After several tense beats, Callum cleared his throat. “Sorry about that.”
She gave him a sidelong glance. “Everything okay?”