Page 68 of He Loves Me Knot
How many times had Miranda talked about how hot Callum was? Liddy had thought so at first, of course, but the more she’d been on the receiving end of Callum’s coldness, the less attractive he’d seemed.
But now . . .
No wonder women loved firemen and soldiers. More men should come down ropes and poles on a regular basis.
He reached the bottom with a grin and stepped toward her. “See?”
She hadn’t intended it, but she threw her arms around his neck as he came closer. He caught her around the waist.
“I can’t believe I just did that,” she said breathlessly, not caring that they were both wet and their T-shirts clung to their skin.
“I can.” His arms were tight around her, holding her close.
Why does this feel so amazing?
Maybe it was the euphoria from just having gone down the canyon, but—no. That wouldn’t cause her heart to speed up like this. Or for her body to have this reaction, like she wanted to sink her lips against his.
As she pulled back, she fidgeted and tried to calm the bubble of nerves spilling through her. This wasn’t like when she rappelled.
This was something different. Intoxicating and full of promise.
The fact that he’d brought up that whole conversation with Isla was . . . not what she’d expected from him. He could have ignored it. Wonder if she’d seen it and let her stew.
But he cared enough to mention it.
He didn’t want me to think he hated me.
That has to mean something, doesn’t it? Does he feel it, too, or is this just in my head?
The moment ended, and they both watched as the others rappelled down the beautiful waterfall. Then they continued their journey into the mountains. Each time Liddy had to rappel down a canyon, it became easier. Like she was chipping away at a part of herself—fear, maybe?—and leaving it at the top of each cascade.
“What has caring about what people think of you ever gotten you, Liddy?”Callum’s voice rang through her head. He’d been passionate during their argument. And while she hated that he’d gotten close enough to play armchair therapist and piece apart the wounds that made her tick, she also couldn’t help admitting the truth to his words.
She’d tried so hard, for so long, to project herself as astrong, confident, independent woman.And maybe she’d pretended well enough that it was working, but that didn’t mean she was daring. She was simply doing a good job with things sheknewshe could do well. She didn’t take chances on the things she wasn’t sure about.
I’ve been way too cautious.
But if she was honest, what surprised her most was the fact that Callum was so right. Callum had observed her from a distance all this time.And has understood me better than perhaps I understand myself.She’d process that later, though.
They approached the final part of the trip, a long zip line that would lead them back to the place where the tour bus was parked.
As she and Callum got closer to the platform, she looked out at the Costa Rican wilderness that opened up before them beyond the tree line where they stood.
The day was perfect, the crystalline sky without a cloud in sight, the sun shining brightly on the mountainsides. Save for the zip line, she could almost pretend no civilization existed here.
She wished she could stay here forever.
“So Miss Expert Canyoner. You ready to glide down a mountain on nothing but a cable?” Callum jerked his chin toward the woman from their group that had just left the platform on the zip line. She glided down, her feet held out in front of her as she barreled over treetops toward the other side.
Liddy felt pinpricks of excitement. “It looks like a wild ride,” she said, then turned toward Carlos. “Can he and I go together?”
“Yes, you can go side by side. Race each other.”
She queried Callum with a look. “You want to?”
“Feeling frightened again?” A teasing smile hung on his lips.
She shook her head. “No. I just . . . I don’t know. I know I may have protested, but I appreciate you forcing me to do it. It’s been one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. And I want to do this part together.”