Page 75 of He Loves Me Knot
“Stole it?” Confusion filled Sergio’s face, and he stepped back. “No, no, no. What?”
Is he really going to play it like this?
Revulsion filled her throat.
Callum approached him, and Liddy felt the relief of not only his presence but his stature, too. He was taller than Sergio by several inches and physically intimidating. “Where’s the damn dress, Sergio?”
Sergio raised his hands but checked over his shoulder as though looking for an escape. “Let me explain?—”
Grabbing him by the shirtfront, Callum backed Sergio against the closest building with force. “Yeah, you better explain. You have no idea what you did to Liddy by taking that dress from her?—”
“I didn’t take anything!” Sergio’s voice was choked. He appealed to Liddy with wide eyes. “I thought airport security would contact you. Get the dress back to you. And I am not the person who was trying to bring marijuana into the country.”
Uh . . . what?
Liddy marched up to him. “What are you talking about?”
“The dogs. They came up to me when you were in the bathroom.” Sergio breathed heavily, sweat beading on his forehead.
If she wasn’t so angry, she’d almost find his reaction comical. He looked terrified.Not the flirtatious man I met on the plane.
“Security took me away, held me for hours,” he continued. “They found a bag of marijuana in the dress bag.”
Blinking at him, Liddy tried to process what he was saying. She set a hand on Callum’s forearm, urging him to back off. “I’m not sure I’m understanding?—”
Callum’s hold on Sergio released somewhat, but not entirely. “He’s lying to you, Liddy. Why would he admit the truth now?”
“I’m not lying.” Sergio appealed to Liddy with a helpless look. “I tried to call you and make sure you had gotten your dress back since you were gone by the time security released me. It was many, many hours. I left voicemail messages.”
“Howler monkeys stole my cell right after I got to the hotel.” Liddy stared at him, unblinking. As unbelievable as it sounded . . .a part of me wants to believe him.Not just because she had really liked this guy. She was past that now.
But because—why would he approach her here in La Fortuna?
. . .or give me his real name and job?
And something like voicemail messages could be easily confirmed—if she’d had her phone. She turned toward Callum. “Can I borrow your cell phone?”
“I’m going to call my voicemail. See if he’s lying.”
Callum gave her a disbelieving look. “You’re not seriously buying this load of rubbish, are you?”
She almost smiled to herself. For whatever reason, she loved his British accent right now.
Focus, Liddy.
Getting distracted by how much she liked Callum was not ideal right now. “I think it would be a good idea to check.”
Callum backed off from Sergio and pulled his phone out, unlocking it. He kept his gaze firmly fixed on Sergio and handed the phone to her. “Don’t even think about going anywhere.”
“I’m not,” Sergio said, adjusting his collar. “I’ve done nothing wrong, though.”
Liddy’s fingertips shook as she dialed her number, noting almost immediately that Callum didn’t have her as a contact.Why would he, though? It’s not like he’s ever had a reason to text or call me.
She punched into her voicemail, feeling sick.