Page 99 of He Loves Me Knot
What good can come from following her?
Their argument in the jungle had eaten him alive all afternoon.
Yet he couldn’t stay away.
He found her standing there, facing the sunset, the wind gently fanning the locks of hair that cascaded around her shoulders.
She’s so beautiful.
Instead of speaking, he came to her side and set his hands on the handrail, leaning his forearms on it. The water sparkled below, like gemstones giving one last show in the fading light. “Arguments with me aside, was it a good day?”
She sighed. “Arguments with you aside . . . it was . . . so much fun.” A smile hinted at her lips, but her eyes were still sad. “I’ve been meaning to tell you all afternoon . . . but thank you, Callum, for making it all happen. And paying for it. I don’t know why it completely skipped my brain that we’d need to pay for this all up front, but I’m going to pay you back.”
He gave her a quizzical look. “How did you find out?”
“Sophia gave Taryn the receipts—and your credit card—to give to me.” Her eyes bored into his. “You didn’t have to do that, you know. It’s a lot of money.”
He shrugged. “I live alone and never go on holiday—as you so correctly pointed out. I can spare it. You don’t have to pay me back.”
She stared at him without speaking for a moment. “Yeah, but it was my idea.”
“Quinn and Elle are my friends, too, you know. We’ll just call it a wedding present.”
“Oh my gosh, no one gives such expensive wedding presents.”
“Well, the Camdens do.”
Liddy laughed lightly. “I guess you have me there.” She drew in a deep breath, then sighed. “I’m just happy to see Elle happy. She went through a lot before Quinn. Had to kiss the proverbial frogs...and then she found her prince.”
Was that what she was tearful about?
Something told him that Liddy had only ever kissed frogs before.
Including me.
“Liddy . . .” He set his hand on top of hers, but she forcefully pulled hers away.
“No. No, you don’t. You don’t get to kiss me and tell me lies. That you think I’m beautiful, and all that bullshit you spewed in the hot springs, and then tell me it’s all meaningless the next day. Even if I believe what you said about Miranda, that’s not how this works, Callum. We were never friends. And we’re sure as hell not going to be after this.”
Her words caught him by the throat. He’d pushed her away and pushed hard.
But she believed him?
That was surprising.
And he shouldn’t care that she was pushing back.
But I do.
He reached for her again, but this time, he turned her by the shoulders to face him. She deserved something honest from him, especially after the way they’d sparred today. Her tears told him she wasn’t as unaffected by him as she’d tried to claim after their last argument. She’d put on a show of bravado because he’d hurt her pride.
I’m such an arse.
His hands cupped her chin, and he searched her watery gaze. “You’re right, we can’t be friends. Idolike you. But trust me when I tell you, you don’t want to get mixed up with me either. Because the side of me you dislike so much? That’s a part of me, too, Liddy. And you won’t be safe with me, no matter how much I like you. I’ll just end up hurting you in the long run.”
“Oh, so what? Am I supposed to just thank you?” Her gaze was hard. “Well,thank you, Callum. For saving me from you. Because—what—I’m so damaged I need you to look out for me? I’m so grateful.”
She tried to pull away, but something in her words stung. Callum’s jaw hardened, and he edged her closer to the wall of the cockpit. Pressing her back against it, he dropped one hand to her waist, skimming the soft skin that showed in a sexy cutout on her dress. His thumb and forefinger held onto her chin, and he pushed his hips closer to hers.