Page 38 of I'll Carry You
TJ laughed and gave a bow. “You pay me to know these things.” Then he busied himself with making coffee. “French vanilla? Gross. I bet it’s a light roast, too.” He looked over his shoulder. “I’ve seen her, man. I’d tap that, too. The whole brother’s ex thing is weird, but she’s pretty enough to get over it. But is she a screw worth hundreds of millions? Nope.”
He didn’t like the idea of TJ talking about Jen like that, but defending her felt like he’d be giving too much away to TJ. Jason sank into an armchair in the living room, facing his PI. More than anyone right now, TJ understood his situation in its entirety. That his PI had become his most trusted advisor almost elicited a chuckle from him...if it hadn’t been for the gravity of what he was saying. And that he felt the need to defend Jen. “I haven’t actually slept with her.”
“None of my business. And also, not the point. You came down here to keep a lid on your grandmother, right? Instead, you’ve led Ned . . .” TJ paused, grinning. “Led Ned. That rhymes.”
Jason scowled. TJ’s quirky behavior was a lot less amusing at this time of day. “Yeah, I get it. But Mildred’s not in town. What was I supposed to do? Follow her to the casino? The woman literally took a shot at me when she saw me.”
“I don’t know. A casino might’ve been a good option. Pretty sure she can’t shoot at you there.” TJ shoved his hands into his pockets and came around to the other side of the island, leaning against it. “Still doesn’t explain why you took up with Kevin’s ex.”
“Why do you care?” Jason shot back. He sounded as defensive as he felt, and he cringed.
TJ lifted a thick brow. “Because you’re my best and wealthiest client. I have a vested interest in making sure you keep the source of your fortune.”
Jason smirked at his honesty. But it was also one thing he liked about TJ. He’d never held his opinion back, which was useful. Jason had spent most of his life surrounded by people who were too afraid to tell him the truth about anything—or too accustomed to lying, like Amanda.
“Any luck with the paternity stuff with Amanda?” Jason crossed his ankle over the opposite knee. Another case of stupidity on his part. He should have known she wanted something more than to “end things between us on a high note.”
Their sex life had been theonlyhigh note of the relationship. The only note, really. They’d never connected on anything else and had argued constantly about politics and finances. And then he’d found out Amanda was sleeping with Chad, which meant nothing left to stay for.
“All I know is that she was having some tests. Getting the results are a little harder, even for me. But she’s going to need to prove it’s yours soon or have her lawyers raise that question in the courts.”
“And on the off chance it’s somehow mine?” Jason’s throat tightened at the words. He didn’t believe it could be possible. Even Amanda wasn’t that lucky, and he doubted he’d been that stupid.
“Then, assuming they don’t find out about Kevin’s kid, your kid would get everything.”
Jason could strangle Amanda for this. “With Chad as the trustee?”
“No, your grandfather only specified that the trust would be managed by the CEO of Cavanaugh Metals if it was Kevin’s kid. Probably so he wouldn’t step on your toes if you and Amanda had decided to have a kid, is my guess. You would manage the trust if it’s your own child. Chad’s only the trustee if Colby is the heir.”
“But even if it was my kid, Amanda would be the puppeteer.” She would use any child they had to control and manipulate him, goddammit. Eighteen more years of Amanda controlling his life in every way was enough to make him want to run away and hide. In some ways, that would be the worst scenario possible. He’d hate for the business to go under if it all went to Colby with Chad as the trustee, but at least Colby and Jen would wind up with a comfortable life and be taken care of.
Jason straightened. “What if...” He scanned TJ’s face, analyzing the risk of asking TJ more. But he needed his advice and knowledge here. “What if people found out about Colby?”
“He would have the birth date in his favor. As the oldest, he would be the heir.” TJ crossed his arms. “But I thought the whole point of you being here was to stop that from getting out.”
Clearly, TJ didn’t know where Jason was going with this yet. The back of his neck tensed. Jason clasped his hands together, setting his elbows on his knees. “And what if Colby was my son?”
TJ scrunched his features as though taking a few minutes to connect the dots and failing. “How could he be your son?”
“I could adopt him. Marry Jen. Then a paternity test could prove he’s actually a Cavanaugh, and I’d be the trustee.”
Staring at Jason as though he’d gone nuts, TJ blinked rapidly. “I don’t know if any of it is that straightforward or if you’re a complete genius.” He shook his head as though trying to clear his thoughts. “I’ll have to talk to your lawyers. But it’s possible. Except for the obvious problems. Amanda might lose her shit, especially if she’s carrying your child. And you’d have to get Jen to agree to it.”
“It’s not my kid. It’s Chad’s.” Jason let out a slow breath, puffing his cheeks. He didn’t feel like a genius. He felt like an asshole. Jen longed for romance. And Dan wanted his sister to forget about Kevin.
If he propositioned her with this, he’d effectively be ignoring both things.
But if he wanted to save his company, what other choice did he have?
“You said it could be yours. If it is and you move forward with this idea for Jen and Colby, won’t it mean you’re screwing your own son?”
Jason stood. “It’s not my kid.” He said it with a finality that he hoped made it clear he no longer wanted to discuss it.
TJ crossed his arms. “I know you, Jason. You’re not the type to abandon your kid, no matter how much you hate Amanda. You should consider that option seriously before you do something you can’t undo. If it’s your kid, you’re going to completely change your mind once it’s born. You’re going to want to be a part of their life.”
What would it take to make TJ drop the issue? Irritation prickled his shoulders. Narrowing his eyes at TJ, Jason snapped coolly, “Not all of us get fathers. We deal with it.”
“Right.” TJ pursed his lips and walked back around to the coffee maker. He poured himself a cup, then looked around for the creamer. Pausing, he glanced back at Jason, a gleam in his green eyes. “But something tells me part of the reason you’re hanging around your nephew is that it bothers you that your brother left him fatherless. And that he’s some of the only family you have left.”