Page 102 of Shadow Wings
He was nearly upon them.Please, stay up there, Princess. Be my eyes. Promiseme.
I beat my wings, neck twisting frantically. He’d asked, no begged, for my word three times, and I was desperate to calm him before he started fighting.I promise,I threw at him, the words registering only after I’d said them. I hurried to add,but please, promise me you’ll stayalive.
He didn’t answer as he let out an almighty roar. He pulled his front half up as he landed in the valley with a deep boom that echoed through the range. Without pause, he ripped through the front line of Druman with his talons, severing several bodies in half and fatally wounding many more. Blood spilled over the rocky terrain, and Tyrrikadvanced.
One Druman flung himself at Tyrrik, at mymate,and I instinctively screamed in fury. The ease with which Tyrrik batted the Druman away did nothing to settle my panic. There was the better part of a hundred Druman down there, and they had swarmed into thevalley.
My mind went crazy as I watched. Tyrrik may be a near invincible Drae, but he could be overrun, he could be hurt badly enough to weaken him. He could be taken, imprisoned, tortured, and killed. My thoughts made me sick. The emperor surely had access to Phaetynblood.
Tyrrik still hadweaknesses.
He stamped below me and inhaled. Molten red appeared between the scales in his chest a scant moment before he extended his neck and spewed jets of flame through the small valley toward the pass. The fire licked the trees, and the crackle of its frenzied appetite sizzled in the air. Warmth billowed up, caressing my underbelly. Only the Druman nearest Tyrrik were caught by the flames, and while their screams of agony were short lived, the emperor’s Druman had clearly expected the fire. Many of them scaled the rock walls, dodging the flames altogether. These crossbreeds were fast like Jotun had been,fasterfor having the emperor’slineage.
Tyrrik kept up the fire for at least a minute but only caught another dozen or so Druman. Flames devoured the dry grass, and the fire jumped from tree to tree. I studied the tendrils between us, relieved when the strength of black in the strands of our bond still appeared as strong asever.
I’m okay, Ryn. Where’s thePhaetyn?
I’d been so caught up with what was happening with Tyrrik I’d completely forgotten about her. I drifted lower and found her at the far end of the valley, about to begin climbing the next range. Four Druman had slipped passed Tyrrik and were bearing down on her again.She’s got four Druman on hertail.
Please, stay upthere.
Why was he saying please? The word added desperation to his request that made my skin crawl, and I couldn’t help glancing back. Tyrrik raked his talons clean through another cluster of the monsters. My tail twitched as two launched onto his back and turned to catchropes.
Mistress Moons. They intended to capturehim.
Tyrrik bucked and twisted free. He caught one of the Druman in his mouth, biting him in half and spitting the severed body at another one. He stomped on several more before unleashing another stream of liquidflame.
I drifted lower, tearing my eyes away to line up the Phaetynbelow.
Do not landyet.
His request came too late; I’d already made up my mind.There are only four going after her. I’ll just go low enough to swipe herup.
Ryn, let me clear them away. Don’t come downyet.
I closed my ears to the apprehension in his voice, making no effort to change my descent. Would the seventy Druman on his other side wait patiently while he dealt with these four? He was being irrational.Tyrrik, there’s notime.
I angled farther down, shooting like a lightning bolt toward the small party ofDruman.
I glanced once more at my mate. He was still battling though his head was turned toward me. His anxiety ripped through me, but I’d committed myself. I was determined to see this through. We needed the Phaetyn girl . . . no thePhaetynneeded the Phaetyn girl, and we needed the Phaetyn. More than that, my kinship to her and her mother demanded I do all I could to save her. I wrenched upward, pulling my upper half back into the air as I’d seen Tyrrik do, and I landed on my hind quarters, between the Druman and the Phaetyn girl, poised andready.
My silent approach must have stunned them, and I seized the advantage. I whipped my tail one way and then the other, lashing out with my spikes. The lead Druman dodged, but I connected with the torso of the second, and he launched into the air, flying far off to theright.
The leader advanced on me, and I snarled at him, baring my fangs. He dodged, advanced, and landed a punch to my left foreleg. Startled by the Druman’s strength, I halted my advance long enough for him to dart pastme.
I roared my frustration and twisted to catch him. Snapping a wing out, I caught him on the back of his head. He dropped to the ground, and before he could stand, I stomped my back foot. His bones crunched under the weight, and he thrashed for a moment before his bodystilled.
I hoped the Phaetyn girl wasrunning.
Talons,Tyrrik said, reminding me of my otherweapons.
You’re supposed to be focused on your problems,I shot back. He still had plenty of Druman to deal with, far too many. I focused on the two remaining Druman beforeme.
These looked nothing like the Druman in Irdelron’s castle. Those Druman looked human, clean, kempt, civilized. These crossbreeds looked like animals. Their hair was matted and filthy. Their aketons were torn, rumpled, and stained. And the feral look in their eyes made me feel liketheywere the predators and I was prey. No freakin’ way.Iwas Drae. A fierce hatred for their kind pulsed through me. I didn’t care if these creatures were slaves to their alpha; I didn’t care if their violent tendencies were enhanced or encouraged. Ihatedthem.