Page 3 of Shadow Wings
Seemed like everyone was pretending thesedays.
Isetthe bowls in front of the Druman, too angry at the Drae I’d just left to be afraid. The three of them were looking over at the two young men, my regulars, with an intensity that bordered on creepy. Pushing my lips into a smile as insincere as it was uncomfortable, I asked the Druman, “Was there anything else youneeded?”
Dyter was still at the bar, pouring a refill for one of my customers. His features twisted with concern, the scar he’d gotten while fighting in the war blanching, as he watched the three men. Dyter was king-to-be Caltevyn’s right-hand man and knew a great deal more than he let on. He’d probably recognized these guys as soon as they entered and had been worrying ever since. As if that ever helpedanyone.
The mumbler said something about meat, but the other two shook their heads. None of them reached for the bowls I’d given them, let alone glanced myway.
Like a festering wound I couldn’t leave alone, I asked, “Do you want to pay in coin, or do you have something totrade?”
I saw Dyter’s expression tighten in warning out of the corner of myeye.
The biggest Druman dropped several coins on the counter, way too many for the stew, and scanned the room, not even bothering to glance myway.
“I need ale,” a gray-haired man barked, taking a seat next to them. “And make it quick,wench.”
“Manners don’t cost a thing, old man, but your ale will be twice the price if you call me that again.” I dropped the tray on the bar and turned to get the rude codger hismug.
One of the Druman moved closer to the man, and I listened, trying to pick out theconversation.
“What do you mean?” the Druman asked in a lowvoice.
“Oh, you missed the revolution,” the old guy chortled. “Caltevyn is the ruler now. Our Phaetyn comes out at night to heal our land. That way the Drae can protecther.”
One of the other men grimaced and added, “He also killed hundreds of the rebels and torched our Harvest Zone. A mixed bag, thatone.”
Drak. How did he know all that? I wasn’t sure even Dyter knew I still went out to heal the land. I glanced at him, and the glower he wore let me know this was news to him. That didn’t explain how the old manknew.
“Does the king still keep the Phaetyn? We’d very much like to meet her. Emperor Draedyn is most anxious to have hervisit.”
The old man chuckled. His gaze flitted my way, and his face seemed to blur a moment. I blinked, but when I looked again, his weathered features were back inplace.
“Caltevyn would love to keep her, but she refuses to stay there,” the old mansaid.
“Where does she stay? It’s hardly safe to let his only Phaetyn wander,” said the brawniest of the three. The two other Druman were also focused on the strangeman.
“Lord Tyrrik won’t let her out of his sight, so she’s plenty safe. Although why a Drae would be interested in a Phaetyn is anyone’s guess.” The man raised his eyebrows at me. “Were you going to bring me that drink,Ryn?”
My heartstopped.
How did he know my name? I’m sure there was an explanation for it; perhaps he’d overheard Dyter. I filled another mug and set it down in front of the old bloke, my anxiety climbing as he assessed the beverage but didn’t pick itup.
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” I breathed. He’d yelled at me through the kitchen for it only a minute before. “Why are youeven—”
“Ryn,” Dyterwarned.
I snapped my mouth shut with a click of my backteeth.
Several things happened at once. The three Druman stood and drew weapons, wicked curved swords with blades the color of blood. The noise in the tavern switched off as though a tap had been turned, and the silent and frantic crowd scrambled back to give the menspace.
Lord Tyrrik appeared next to me. I tilted my head up and, as expected, his eyes were all midnight black, and ebony scales had appeared on his forearms and neck. As I watched, his fangs sliddown.
The old man disappeared, the air shimmering for a few seconds before a man with silver hair and pointy ears sat in his place. Astunningman. He drew out a short blade the color of his hair and balanced it on the tip of his forefinger, eyes sliding to the standingDruman.
“Are you boys looking for a fight?” the stunning man asked in a liltingvoice.
Tyrrik swore long and hard in Drae. The shadows gathered around him, heeding his call, and the strange flickering blue color in his onyx scales flashed for all to see. He stepped behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him, a menacing sound rumbling in hischest.